John 14:25-27
25 “These things I have spoken to you while I am still with you. 26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.
27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.
Not as the world gives do I give to you.
Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid
For about 2 weeks, I have dreamed of my departed cat Scoop. Why should this matter? Really, what we are discussing are the teaching methods of Father God. You don't have to be a cat lover to find the Teaching of God as good. Now. God is always good - and in the now.
Scoop arrived when our youngest son was in kindergarten and lived 19 full and sassy years. Bravely and with intelligence. A feral cat, Scoop, was a tiny kitten rescue of our neighborhood. He went were Scoop wanted to go. Snidely being unkind to our successive 3 Springer Spaniels. Enjoying hordes of visiting boys, at all ages, as bravely as an Admiral.
Living every day given to him until the day he put himself on our carpet flat as a pancake and gave me the look of understanding, all creatures of God's creation are only forever in God's Personal Kingdom. Scoop saw all three of our dogs, all three of our homes and all the seasons of life including going from a family of 4 to 2, during college. The day Scoop died, we spent the day on the sofa and going out to look at the pond with interest. From time to time, Scoop touched me with his paw, he knew the journey and the day was for us both. At Twilight, I went to run some household errands for about 30 minutes and came back to find Scoop peacefully forever asleep. I took a photo because of the peace. We gathered all four of us and buried him the next day in a spot with another cat Scoop had been so good to and Merit the amazing Springer. We wept. And Scoop had a funeral of all love.
Scoop has been gone to God for two years. Lions lie down with lambs. Sparrows are included, and God sends His own horses to Elijah.
Old cats learn new tricks, at age 17 Scoop learned to love the unrelenting Beaux Springer for constant love - Amazing Scoop as if he didn't know love could arrive for a d o g
For two weeks, Scoop had been greeting me in my dreams.
I'd gotten used to finding him there. I sit in one of Heaven's yards, just by the huge Home, and Scoop plays in the woods and large trees with Magnolia branches, letting him climb and climb and climb with other happy cats and Springer Spaniels. The visit is for Scoop. He is a teenager cat. Scoop alone has permission to visit, which he explains without words to me. Scoop sits in my lap and looks up at me. We talk without words. We aren't surprised.
I tell him he looks good, Scoop assures me he feels amazing. Can't even remember feeling this good. He is astonished at how great he feels and how joyous it is to run up and down the sweeping branches. He is joyously thrilled to feel so good. {I found a large tumor in his intestines when I took his last photo - our 19-year-old had gone from colon cancer.}
Scoop doesn't answer me when I ask him to tell me who the other cats are. He doesn't say, Scoop isn't supposed to. In fact, it feels like the conversation has gently ended for us there. He tells me this is Heaven and great, very matter-of-factly, and he explains he goes in the House whenever he wants to with all the others. I inadvertently notice Scoop is in his teen years. Lean and not so beautiful as middle-aged - his coat got to be glorious. Scoop is characteristically annoyed. He says Jesus picked and is quiet. And annoyed. Scoop relents as he considers I'm only a mortal. And we love one another. He assures me now with perfect calm - ending the discussion - he is Amazingly Energetic and Fully Scoop. I tell him how beautiful and alert he is in his green and blue-rimmed eyes - so intelligent. He says feeling good is Heaven. Being all in... Being all in.
I become so used to seeing Scoop at night for two weeks, about the last day I woke up and looked for him. And realize he has departed for two years. It's a bummer, bummer day. And it is the last day.
I tell him he looks good, Scoop assures me he feels amazing. Can't even remember feeling this good. He is astonished at how great he feels and how joyous it is to run up and down the sweeping branches. He is joyously thrilled to feel so good. {I found a large tumor in his intestines when I took his last photo - our 19-year-old had gone from colon cancer.}
Scoop doesn't answer me when I ask him to tell me who the other cats are. He doesn't say, Scoop isn't supposed to. In fact, it feels like the conversation has gently ended for us there. He tells me this is Heaven and great, very matter-of-factly, and he explains he goes in the House whenever he wants to with all the others. I inadvertently notice Scoop is in his teen years. Lean and not so beautiful as middle-aged - his coat got to be glorious. Scoop is characteristically annoyed. He says Jesus picked and is quiet. And annoyed. Scoop relents as he considers I'm only a mortal. And we love one another. He assures me now with perfect calm - ending the discussion - he is Amazingly Energetic and Fully Scoop. I tell him how beautiful and alert he is in his green and blue-rimmed eyes - so intelligent. He says feeling good is Heaven. Being all in... Being all in.
I become so used to seeing Scoop at night for two weeks, about the last day I woke up and looked for him. And realize he has departed for two years. It's a bummer, bummer day. And it is the last day.
Abba, Father God,
We ask Your Willing Blessings. Soaking and pulling us up. We appreciate Your Blessings. Earnestly.
The Circle is unbroken here and now God, here and now.
We will live in the Light of Jesus Christ now and always.
Let the Light of Your Creation bless us each and every day.
Fully knowing You alone are God the Most High. High.Most
We will take this very day God and do all we can for You.
You are our God and we Love You, here and now God, here and now.
You fill us with Your all and all God, here and now God, here and now.
The circle is unbroken. Here and Now Lord, Here and Now.
We entrust our cares and loves ones fully to You.
You will fill us here and now Lord God, now here and now.
The whole earth is Your Creation and Your Glory.
Fill us with Your Holy Spirit and we will rejoice here and now Lord
and forevermore and more.
Thanks unto You, Father God. Light of the
In Jesus Christ, we pray, Amen.
♔ Lord Jesus Saves! †
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