Reprint from 12/6/2017
with additional
Luke 1:66-79
For the hand of the Lord was with him.
67 And his father Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied, saying,
68 "Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he has visited and redeemed his people
69 and has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David,
70 as he spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets from of old,
71 that
we should be saved from our enemies and from the hand of all who hate us;
72 to show the mercy promised to our fathers and to remember his holy covenant,
73 the oath that he swore to our father Abraham, to grant us
74 that we,
being delivered from the hand of our enemies,
might serve him without fear,
75 in holiness and righteousness before him all our days.
76 And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High;
for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways,
77 to give knowledge of salvation to his people
in the forgiveness of their sins,
78 because of the tender mercy of our God,
whereby the sunrise shall visit us from on high
79 to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death,
to guide our feet into the way of peace."
Father God, we would ask You to bless us. In Jesus, Amen.
To receive a blessing from God - something is required of you.
To just be a 'receiver' from God. God tells us He will bless whom He will.
And what pleases God...
Absolutely to have - faith - in God's Love. The Hope God Loves you. Abraham believed God and this was credited to him as righteousness. Abraham was known to be a friend of God. Abraham received the Gift God had for Abraham, by faith.
Jesus Christ. God's Christmas Gift to us. Just as Jesus didn't just feed thousands in miraculous God Work's, Jesus has fed us and millenniums of the Children of God.
Zechariah's prompting in Luke's Gospel, Chapter 1, of the Holy Spirit is our gift in God's Son Jesus.
If God is for us, who can take our Blessings?
Jesus has made our Blessings secure.
When I think of the feeding of the multitudes, I believe the groups of 50 received the 5 loaves and 2 fish. Like the way I've seen 4th stage cancer healed. There was enough.
And the next group of 50 received some loaves and fish and there was enough. Suddenly the groups passing this along got a little faster passing the next group the loaves and fish - there was enough.
And then Jesus has fed the multitudes, the millenniums and us. Many, many people blessed and fed on the Living Word of God by His Son - our Christmas gift - Jesus.
Abundantly. Abundantly. Abundantly.
Imagine being near the Blessing of Jesus Christ. Let's go as far back as Genesis - Isaac is born. A Blessing spoken of by God Himself, the Almighty, to Abraham and Sarah - what surrounds them? The Blessing of God surrounds them and Genesis records Blessings. The livestock was reproducing amazingly well. Multiplying like Loaves and Fish. That time woolly.
Zechariah headed to a regular day. A Rabbi - a regular day in God's Temple. About the same as all of us - another day on this small planet of green and blue beauty in the middle of a barren solar system and in this small corner giving amazing Light and warmth. Amazing the mountains are colder at the top (closer to the sun) than the valley. The Word of God upholds - Life.
Zechariah entered the Temple.
Going through the Court of Women, past the Gates history tells us open of their own accord by the Word of God.
Probably, Zechariah looked at the beautiful floors.
And going into The Temple.
Zechariah has now been toe to toe with God's Messenger. We learn reflection, serious reflection on a Gigantic milestone for you and for me. Mankind.
Zechariah has evidenced God is Forgiving and all God.
Zechariah remembers the first start opportunity to sanctuary - he could have refuge from God in the altar horns. He had become mouthy to God's Messenger. The horns of the altar exist as safety. Zechariah has forgotten the mercy.
He begins where he should have started - God is our Refuge.
God is willing Sanctuary. Fear not.
And for our Father God to be this - He is forgiving and Loving. Salvation. Has God's nature changed? God was willing for Aaron to enter the Holy of Holies and display himself throwing blood. God understands we are not Holy. He Loves us. Immeasurably.
The mercy promised is given.
We have no need to fear God. Creator of All. He is as Holy and as far from our abilities as the Sun itself.
And as Gentle.
The Father of Jesus is Good as His Word and Promise. All of our days.
Jesus has brought us Peace. Showing us the Nature of God Himself.
God's Mercy has Prevailed. The Victory of Jesus is for us.
And Christmas is a Celebration of the end of these fears of doubt and war.
Jesus is our Certainty. And we have found Him to be Joy.
And this is the Announcement of Christ arriving. In our eternal foothold - our soul.
Mercy and Forgiveness, The Graciousness of God Abound.
Elizabeth has the opportunity to shelter a young cousin from 'departing with haste' from her family. God is giving opportunity to share blessings. More than Just the Blessing of a Savior for All of Mankind?

And we should not stop and we should consider - the day the childless Elizabeth and barren Zechariah continued their blessing. All male children are presented to the Temple.
What seems Improbable?
That mankind would be blessed beyond the Birth of their Savior Jesus.
Why? Why Bless Zechariah? Why Bless Elizabeth? Why Bless the Shepherds? Why have the Heavenly Host arrive to the Shepherds? Why Bless Bethlehem?
Why Bless Anna? Why Bless Simeon? Because our God, is Our Father and He feeds the multitudes for millenniums.
We can imagine with a feeling of certainty - Egypt was blessed having young Jesus, Mary and Joseph
His Word is Living and Alive. And we are blessed This Christmas Season.
You have shown us our Blessings many times. We are fearfully made. Angels have longed to see. The soul in Promise of Salvation.
We pray Your Blessings upon us.
Your Blessings upon our Loved Ones. Your Blessings upon the People You have given us.
Your blessings on our ways of life, Churches, Schools - a place Honoring to You. Fostering nurturing. We pray Your Depth in our areas. In our States, many. In our Nation.
We pray Christ's Holy Spirit gathering and giving increasing Love upon the Nations.
And draw strength thinking of the prayers given and received world wide.
Jesus Christ bring more good Heaven upon this earth. We rely upon Your Word always.
Blessings upon our Nation trusting in God. Blessings upon the Creation as Believers pray for more Heaven on earth each day. Blessing Nations trusting in Him
Amen in Jesus.
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