Luke 2:13-14
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,
“Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!”
I was listening to a discussion on 'moral dessert.' The concept of poor motivation for good deeds. We build every day. We are building a life and an analogy of a quilt will work well. God does away with the idea of 'moral dessert'. Father God tells us His motivation is to save the world. We are invited into His Glory. His Kingdom, His Home, His eternity, His Love and the Love of His Son, Jesus Christ.
The Glory of God is His Love. His Love is amazingly generous. God tells us His work for mankind is to believe. The Almighty, Alpha and Omega proclaims He loves us first. We love for the generosity of His Love.
God tells us fruit is important. Hearts of Love, Joy and Peace. Finding God in His Good Creation around us. Realizing the Mission of God does not exist because we debunk, debase the day to day culture. To be in the world and expect to find blessings. To be not of the world. God does not give His Son with open arms, ending a Life Jesus has Called Joy, to condemn the flaws and strugglings of mankind. God gives us Jesus to take His well-earned wrath from us. To provide Life.
We are allowed to fear God. So many times the word 'yar' is used for fear - reverence. And yet God gives His very Word - God would rather find mercy. David writes goodness and mercy will be found following the one who Loves God. Our footprints are goodness and mercy.
John the Disciple stood and risked being slaughtered horribly by the Roman Empire to stand with Jesus on Good Friday. If we look for the reason - John identified God as God of Love. John had been eyewitness to the miracles said to follow in the footsteps of the Messiah. God's exact nature on earth.
God of Love.
God tells us to not be 'of' the world. To find what is pure and noble. To represent the 12 Gates of Heaven are always open and our destination with all of God's Creation - mankind - are the same. Jesus Son of God. Light of the world. Light in mankind.
To explain man lives by every Word of God. And the Word of God manifest is Jesus Christ.
To absorb the Scriptures to find the Willingness of God giving His Son to you - to find Him to be your Father.
This evening I was so blessed to hear the Great Horned Owl.
The Great Horned Owl has a striking name, for reason a mere recording will not convey. The contentment is heard almost like the Dove. The sweet noise of immense gratitude. The enjoyment of the nest and the companion. Watching the sun rest and the calm of the evening. Doves cry, "Jesus is King." Owls do this as well in the joy of the call. The Great Horned Owl is a bird, with hollow bones and is able to make cooing and thunder. Your ear will hear this clearly 2 or 4 suburban blocks away and as the noise reaches you ~ your chest will rattle a little as if lightning was nearby. No instrument of mankind does this without electric magnification and, yet, The Great Horned Owl has a little of the power of thunder to carry the noise impressively carried as bold and utter contentment. The Joy of home. Blessing of God's Provision.
The Call. God describes Thunder as His Voice. Elijah found God as a quiet voice. The personal and complete knowing of God - speaks within our heart, mind and soul. We know His Love.
The Bible is the Word of God, the journey is where God is present.
Seeing, receiving, sharing and building.

Psalm 42
Deep calls to Deep
I remember You
from the land of Jordan and of Hermon,
from Mount Mizar.
Deep calls to deep
at the roar of your waterfalls;
all your breakers and your waves
have gone over me.
By day the LORD commands his steadfast love,
and at night his song is with me,
a prayer to the God of my life.

Abba, Father God,
Let the Glory of Your Love be our daily Blessing.
The Willingness of You, Good Father, as living within those we Love to carry their Peace to know Your Home. Speaking to our soul, feeding our mind, filling our hearts.
Knowing more Heaven on earth is the Joy and Love within us.
The Light to the brightness of Nations. The Light of Christ Jesus stands forever, continuing into Your Glory, Your Kingdom, Your Word, Your Promises our assurance. Fill our Nation with Trust in You. Your Promises are forever.
The Communion of the Saints to consider the Prayers of Your Beloved circling Your Good Creation. More Heaven on earth in Jesus Christ. Blessing the People of God fed for millenniums by our Good Father.
Fill us with Your Voice and Love. In Christ Jesus Alleluia.

Mount Herman feeds the Jordan River
As the Dan River

♔ Lord Jesus Saves! †

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