Psalm 103:2
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits
1 Corinthians 16:13-14
13 Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.
14 Let all that you do be done in love.
On this Saturday, we are still in Easter week. This is utterly astonishing to me.
Shane and Shane God is Alive.
We have had company from Michigan and Dallas (from Holy Week and on) and rejoiced with local family, new puppies, new wellness, new illness, new jobs, new complaints, new roof issues, new household repairs as well. Landscape puppy issues. Housetraining. Home Insurance Issues. Aging Parent issues. Phone calls about important aging issues and sad news. Kindness reports, kindness given. Three roofing people. And then another item - with three house repairmen to analyze the problem. Three repair interviews first. Accounting issues, checks received. Checks looked for. Car issues. Garage issues. Trips multiple to Home Depot. A new sewing project to have good stewardship on household goods on hand.
We fixed many dinners for family and received dinner being brought. Many trips to the Grocery.
New exercise program. Enjoying and loving seeing neighbors out in the sunshine. Happy texts. Fix immediately texts. Get a Doctor Appointment - what is that thing. What do you say discussions. Fusses. Congratulations. A son going to Japan a Law Professor invited him. Documentation searching.

Are we sure we are still in Easter Week?
We Are. Jesus is Alive.
God, Himself, is Good to us.
In every situation, we are like the proverbial car with cans tied to the bumper.
Yay Opportunity! Worry added. Can I do this? Can do. Will this hold. Is this perpetual. Hi there, good to meet you. Oh, go away. Thanks for trying. Oh - thanks - for - trying. Disaster. Repair. Did this happen this way last time? No. Yes. Fix. Alleluia. Do we have to discuss this? Yes, so glad we did. So boring. So teachable.
Traveling down the road of every situation, thought, work and deed - we wonder if we are still in Easter. Again. Yes.
The Bible tells us something about every busy and routine and new left curve of Life. The Seed Parable - do not let the cares of life choke you out from God's Love. Do not become so trampled - your seeds do not have time to relax, joy and enjoy and rejoice.
We live, Live. Live in every single Word of God.
1 Corinthians 16
13 Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.
14 Let all that you do be done in love.
14 Let all that you do be done in love.
15 Now I urge you, brothers—you know
that the household of Stephanas were the first converts in Achaia,
that the household of Stephanas were the first converts in Achaia,
that they have devoted themselves to the service of the saints—
16 be subject to such as these, and to every fellow worker and laborer.
17 I rejoice
at the coming of Stephanas and Fortunatus and Achaicus,
because they have made up for your absence,
18 for they refreshed my spirit as well as yours.
Give recognition to such people.!!!
We were having such a busy day - I was focused on the repairs and how to. Edward said, "Remember this morning, we were given an entire blessed, thought about, unasked for - blessing - a cinnamon pancake."
Blessings are so incredibly Powerful of God. Renew. Reset. Rejoice. Remember. Remember. Remember.
Easter - Easter Eggs - Remember to search for your Blessings Renewing Daily.
Remember to be so grateful to the unknown, good young, woman who walks up to say leaning in, "Jesus Bless You."
Remember when the bee stings, and the dog bites~ all things work together for Good for those who Love the Lord and work according to His Purpose.
Remember the joy of running into multiple neighbors of great Joy several times on walks around the neighborhood.
Remember you were invited to lunch this week and a joy on Sunday Night and something next weekend as well.
Even when Repairs to the household cause real hyperventilation.
And apparent disaster - diverted.
And then running out of Home Depot for the 6th time in 3 or 4 weeks - to say to Father God,
"Can You, Father, believe this is still Easter Week?"
And I felt the Holy Spirit tell me - stand as tall as your head will reach up.

This aligns all the body and suddenly you feel better than rushing here and there.

I felt the Holy Spirit say to my soul - take deep enough breaths. Feel God's air - flow in and out.

Let every aspect of your life - be part of Father God. Remember as you enter doorways - to count Your Blessings. Each door - remember God's Love.

This Easter stand firm. Stand firm. Stretch upwards to God. Breathe God in with deliberation.
Love God. And in His Love give to the people God has put in your Life. The Life God - Himself- our Father Gives freely to us Giving us Jesus Blessing Daily.
We have Seasons. Some are quiet and blessed. Some are quiet and lonely. Some are fine. Some are filled with all aspects of Life. Find God's purpose for us all in all Seasons. God's Love fills up our hearts.
Abba, Our Abba, Our Father,
The Wind of Life blows where it will. Let this Wind find us remembering Your Blessings. Let us find this Easter Week, we are eager to take the time to find and Bless You for our Blessings.
Fill our hearts, fill the hearts of those we Love. Thank You for the people You have given us. Jesus bless them and bless them and bless them with Your Love.
Let the Holy Spirit sweep this Nation finding Easter Week and Your Willing Blessings.
Bless the work of our hands and the thoughts of our heart and the words of our mouth to cause You to Lift Your Face and Smile.
Help us as we need You in all aspects of our lives. Where we know and even where we do not know even to ask. Let Your Living Water soak and nourish us all. You are Love. Reign upon us.
The Lamb of God is for us. You have Given us Your Son, Your Word, Your Promises. Thank You.
Let all nations and all of Your Beloved Children find more Heaven and more of Your Good Will on this earth.
The Words of Jesus bless us. Thank You. Alleluia. Amen.

♔ Lord Jesus Saves! †

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