And this is Father's Day. Most people have two Fathers. Just like Jesus.
An earthly Father and a Heavenly Father. Ephesians 3 tells us in the 15th verse: that Families live in Heaven and on earth. And from Father God, we get our name. There is going to be a Great Reunion. Jesus even describes that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob eat together in Heaven.
I believe Jesus. Amen.
So a child is born. You. What does God really, really want from you on Father's Day and every day? There is a Purpose. And the Plan will unfold and God's Desire is Fulfilled. For you.
We are all building. Building a life. With our own purposes.
83% of Americans say the highest and best use of life - is to be as happy as possible.
Would Jesus disagree? No. Jesus tells us the Fruit of the Holy Spirit is - Love, Joy, Peace and Patience. Jesus tells us in John 16 and 17 - Jesus has Joy. And Jesus is the Lord of Lords - He has a Plan.
Patience? You can't build a house without Patience.
We Hope To Give Father God? What?
And then, if we are willing to see, then Jesus shows us perfectly Father God, then in His Goodness, we have seen God. Our Father.
So Father God sets us out on this Journey called Life. Is our good Father going to tell you, "Gosh, I think you really need to look like your brother Paul. Or Peter."
This is called the Foundation.
And what is our Foundation? God wants you. He wants you so badly to come Home from this long journey - that He has sent His best part - Jesus to make sure you are called holy and blameless before Him. Jesus has run ahead of your journey - to make sure you are called Worthy as - a Child of God.
There is a song out there called "The Cross has made you Flawless." Jesus has done a good job.
And we set off in life with siblings and grades and kids and adults who tell us what we need to do to improve. Some of this extremely like a Father God would want. And others tells us that our skills, talents and burdens are making us unworthy of the Grace of God.
Billy Graham says, “I've read the last page of the Bible, it's all going to turn out all right.”
Jesus tells this event too: Luke 15
20 So he got up and went to his father.
“But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.
21 “The son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’
22 “But the father said to his servants, ‘Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. 23 Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate. 24 For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ So they began to celebrate.
And Now we have a clear foundation on our house we are building. We start out here, but we are really just beginning to live here.
Now Doors will be considered.
This is a deep question. What is happiness? Having something in 15 or 20 years that we have grown? Allowing freedom to all things, drugs, adventures, people, pets? You know a door depends on the environment.
In a tough neighborhood, you are not going to put out a glass sliding door as your front door.
And really if you are buying a house, you need to feel free to approach the police - to get a police report. The neighborhood does not put up a sign to say - "Wow, do we have crime."
I know a few people who were surprised at the crime that is planned and at "opportunity theft." And people will tell you years and years and decades later about what they lost and how that felt.
Drugs are like that. I have volunteered for almost 4 years and found out some dealers think rape is a bonus for their profession. You won't see a sign on a dealer saying, "I rape my clients." I've known two people to tell me when they bought pot, their dealer told them, "You are getting the good stuff." One was in High School. We did years and years of High School Student Ministry. And the good stuff? Was Cocaine. And another time Meth. The Cars say "Let the Good Times Roll." So do the French. "Laissez les bons temps rouler !!!"
I agree. And say there is a lot of bad out there and beware.
Our first little neighborhood was cottages around White Rock Lake in Dallas. Matter of fact 4 of our neighbors were recent graduates of Highland Park High School. My neighbors went to Mardi Gras and got so drunk, in their 20s, that they huddled passed out in a rough neighborhood on a porch. Terrified. They call that the night, "The Night we Ended Alcoholism." I asked them if the home owner knew. They laughed and said the door didn't open, but I bet they prayed!!!
Those Doors serve a purpose. The child who found out she now had a preference for Cocaine. Still has trouble to overcome. We all have sat and said, "Who says today I am going to try Meth or Heroin?" I'd bet you, big bowling for dollars - that - few people say that and are helped by helpful illegal drug salesmen.
That door? It is not ever going to have the doorbell ringer say "Here to destroy you!"
One of my volunteer hours was helping a woman "there to have a good time" who was so out of it - her dad's two year girlfriend decided that stoned women make perfect prostitutes. We could call that adventure - the shotgun blast - where the purchaser of human flesh - decided that his purchase also bought him the unique experience of - hunting a human being with a shotgun.
The Colleges loose students every year to alcoholism for something easily avoided.
And again, balance is good. We wouldn't want to be so safe, that we don't have anything interesting to say. No adventures of helping people along the path.
Windows. See the Light.
And the news. If you are unscrupulous - you might have come from the 15 year old I met who was happily expecting a baby with her very joyous mother to have a grandchild. Unfortunately, this is the new way to have a family run pimp business to collect more women to make more money to support the pimp family. "You can see the child, when you provide the money for today."
The other news from a highway with the one of the highest sex trafficking business in the USA is called FM 1960 in Houston. Is adapted Muslim life-style. If you have a lady and she is so sexy - but why be tied down with a paper of marriage??? "It's only an institution, honey." Well, if you give her 3 kids, she is going to need support to raise them. And if you get tired of the old ball and chain. You move on. Or you move back and forth between the sexy ladies. With 6 kids, the women will do what you want. Until you find someone who will help these women into a shelter for battered women or they wake up.
I have heard of women in the prosperous Suburbs in the same situation. And the departing High School College "Fiancee" said of his family of four - "I don't even need a divorce!"
Welcome to the agenda of Don't Need Marriage.
Ephesians 1
17 and asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in your knowledge of Him. 18I ask that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you may know the hope of His calling, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, 19and the surpassing greatness of His power to us who believe. He displayed this power in the working of His mighty strength,
Choose to see the Light.
2 Peter 1:10
Therefore, my brothers and sisters, make every effort to confirm your calling and election. For if you do these things, you will never stumble
This is called looking for the good we can present to Father God each day.
Perhaps the most puzzling thing about building your House:
Your comfort. If you idolize your comfort, eventually the comforts are cold. Who will you step on to be more comfortable. Is getting the best of the best your only goal. Passions surround comfort. Greed. Lust. Gluttony. Gluttony for happiness at all costs. Gluttony for oblivion.
And this is very much like putting beads on a rope where were are told if we tie the knot we have denied our natural inclinations leading us to our internal happiness. Only an uptight, moral bigot would tie a knot. And the beads will slide off. And be lost.
Some people will tie the knot so hard that the knot will break. That knot can be our undoing. We start to fight things that are no danger. We become brittle and cold to what is no threat. Jesus balances people - to Trust God and not be such negative bringers. To have Joy.
Peter 2:1
So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander.
The necessaries - the good, the bad and the ugly.
Blooming where we are planted. This life had to take Trust to get through. People are certain to not be your anchor. There is a reason why the Bible stories are real and honest about human behavior. We need something to fall upon that is our anchor. If we trust God that we are able to do the hard things life requires - we are going to get through difficult times and days with Joy. To look to the future with real hope. My grandmother Anita was placed in a nursing home after a stroke at age 90. I think she was the only one in her family to be in nursing home care - Anita turned this around. Even the nurses would gather to hear her stories. Her conversation. Her hope. Her endurance. Her ability to overcome.
When no one will applaud you. When your deeds are unseen and not encouraged and you are fighting the good fight - You Know what you know what you know.
Character Compassionate and Care
Champion a cause to make the framework of life better.
And in doing the Good Will of God - You are STRONGER.
Like my grandmother Anita.
The Bible - is - REAL.
The characters - reality.
The Troubles - we can relate to.
The Victory - Belief - and is Assured in Jesus Christ.
What we do with every happy, lame, good, boring, routine day, month, year - is our life. The "lag" times
are when we are building - a life.
Live in every room of your house. Let each day have meaning. The most scary idea in the world - is an idea. And Then - If we change that to Prayer - To the Creator of the Universe - Our Father in Jesus Christ. We are going places.
All those years will have favor, valleys, peaks and plummets. Learning to have the courage, strength, compassion, character - to bring your life to others. To help them up. To learn to be strong - and to help others be strong - Makes Life Worth Living.
Jesus was asked famously, "Who is the neighbor?"
"The one who showed Mercy."
Father God,
Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Jesus said we have a need to pray at all times and not lose heart.
Galatians 6:9 Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.
We want to come to You saying, "I did the very best with the gifts and talents You gave me."
Knowing we pray for those surrounding our lives and hearing Father God saying to us and to the people we love, "Beloved Child. Enter into Joy of Father God (Matthew 25). Today, you will be with me in Paradise."
Thank You, Father for Jesus. Amen.
♔ Lord Jesus Saves! †