Who has understood the mind of the LORD, or instructed him as his counselor? Isaiah 40:13
My husband and I graduated from Texas A&M, I've always liked the way the professors have looked at weather patterns changing and not come to hysteria over things like global warming, saying we can even look at Charles Dickens books and Elizabethan era history to see weather patterns change without causing dire circumstances.
We had Swine Flu at our house, my son in college was quarantined to our house. I thought the media attention for Swine Flu, Avian Flu was like hungry seagulls.
I know Christians have even earned a Wikipedia page for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010%E2%80%932011_midwinter_animal_mass_death_events suggestions of Apocalypse.
But, experts say, massive die-offs like these are not at all unusual. What is more unusual is the AP Wires report die-offs and major news isn’t reporting them. Google does if you dig into different wording of it.
Did you hear of the 10,000 -20,000 cattle dying in Vietnam. I think something that large going unreported is bizarre.
Bird Deaths December 2010 - January 2011
Chronological Order
South Korea, December 2010
So far, more than 100,000 chickens have been culled and more than 10,000 ducks due to new outbreak of avian flu.
New Zealand, December 2010
Penguins, petrels and other seabirds are dying in large numbers and washing up on our shores, says the Department of Conservation (DOC), NZ.
Autopsy reports showed they died of starvation due to a lack of small fish to feed on in the ocean.
North Carolina, USA. December 2010. (It was originally thought these deaths were caused by malicious humans, but that has now been retracted).
Large number of pelicans
Cause : presently unknown (awaiting results)
Arizona, USA. 26 December 2010
70 plus bats
Cause - one theory is because it was “unseasonably warm”
Illinois, USA. Late December 2010 onwards
Multiple birds (estimate 50 - 100), clustered around a few households.
Cause unknown.
Kentucky, USA. Late December 2010.
Lots of birds (seemed to fall only in this lady’s backyard)
Cause unknown
Tennessee, USA. Estimated time of death last week of December 2010
120 blackbirds (very localised cluster)
Cause unknown
Georgia, USA. 30 December 2010
3 rare cranes (all found together)
Cause unknown
Arkansas (Beebee), USA. 31 Dec 2010
5000 blackbirds.
Reputedly killed by fleeing from fireworks
Chile, South America, 2 Jan 2011
Thousands of birds fall from the sky and die
Manitoba, Canada, 3 January 2010
10,000s of Birds Found Dead in Manitoba
Cause : local reports suggest bird flu
Louisiana, USA. (Labarre) 3 Jan 2011
500 blackbirds and starlings
Cause presently unknown
Italy, around 3 January 2011
300 doves
Cause unknown at this time
Japan, 3 January 2011
Multiple birds death
Suspected : avian flu
Sweden, 4 January 2011
50 - 100 jackdaws
Local vet theorises they were scared by fireworks, landed on a road and “didn’t know how to fly away from cars which hit them”.
East Texas, USA, 5 Jan 2011
200 birds found dead on a bridge
Theory : “Hit by cars”
Unexplained bird deaths have struck again this time at a farm near Quebec City in Canada. More than 80 pigeons have been found dead of unknown causes. The country's environmental officials state...
Jan 11, 2011
Major, Bizarre Fish Die-Off Along Lakefront in Chicago A bizarre scene is evolving on the Chicago lakefront, with Canada geese and mallard ducks gulping down dead or dying gizzard shad.
A major die-off of what appears to be the 2010 class is happening in Chicago harbors. Thousands, perhaps far more than that, of dead gizzard shad in the 3- to 5-inch range are frozen in the ice of Chicago harbors or floating around in open patches of water.
January 12th, 2011
Sonoma County California has its own bird death mystery on its hands. More than 100 birds were found dead on Saturday clustered on the ground off of Highway 101
Continue reading on Examiner.com: Bird deaths in California - Charleston Environmental News | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/environmental-news-in-charleston/bird-deaths-california#ixzz1BcMWgt4z
Jan 13, 2011
371 Dead Birds Fall from Sky on LA's Sunset Blvd; Similar to California, Arkansas, Louisiana Bird Drops http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/6218358/371_dead_birds_fall_from_sky_on_las.html?cat=9
12 Jan 2011
Romania – hundreds of birds, gov’t say died of alcohol poisoning
Dothan, Alabama (DCE)- The plot thickens in the mystery of massive animal die offs as recent bird deaths occur in Alabama. On January 10th-14th scores of dead birds had been found in Scottsboro, Tanner and Dauphin Island, Alabama. 300 plus dead birds discovered along highway in Alabama
Continue reading on Examiner.com: 300 plus dead birds discovered along highway in Alabama - Charleston Environmental News | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/environmental-news-in-charleston/300-plus-dead-birds-discovered-along-highway-alabama?cid=parsely#parsely#ixzz1BcMzOPxI
Jan 18, 2011
Hundreds of dead seals in Labrador, Canada – dying since December http://coto2.wordpress.com/2011/01/18/hundreds-of-dead-seals-in-labrador/
Last week about 300 birds were found dead on the side of the road in Athens. Now another massive bird kill in the Tennessee Valley has the State Agriculture Department investigating, this time in Jackson County. http://www.waaytv.com/news/local/story/Another-Massive-Bird-Kill-in-the-Tennessee-Valley/zHVxdW6X4k2lJFJvmWK3TQ.cspx
Jan 20, 2011
Colorado is now on the list of states where birds are mysteriously dying.
CBS4 You Reporter Stacia Shane sent in pictures of dozens of dead birds she found on I-25.
The birds were found near Dacono.
More than one hundred birds were found and most of them were under tree
Jan 21, 2011
Beijing reports mass bird deaths http://english.ruvr.ru/2011/01/21/40584234.html
Jan 23, 2010
10,000 Cattle Dead In Vietnam: Cows, Buffalo Part Of Mass Die-Off
Blamed on cold weather 48’ Fahrenheit, one night of freezing temps
January 27, 2011
Massive amounts of gizzard shad fish die off in Lake St. Clair, Michigan
Dead Fish Chronological Order
December 2010 - January 2011
Indiana, USA, 17 December 2010
Dead fish wash up on Washington Park, Michigan City, Indiana beach (frozen gobies, trout, crayfish, and mudpuppies).
Cause : attributed to stormy weather
Phillipines, 18 December 2010
Many dead fish floating
Cause : suspected pollution
Sydney, Australia. 19 December 2010
Dead fish clog lake at airport
THOUSANDS of dead fish have been found floating on the surface of a small lake inside Sydney Airport.
Cause : unknown. (I can’t find any results for investigations for this yet).
Haiti, around 20 December 2010 onwards
“Scores of dead fish”
Cause presently unknown
South Carolina, USA, 23 December 2010
Cold water kills thousands of starfish on SC coast
Vietnam, around 24 December 2010 onwards
More than 150 tonnes of red tilapias (world’s most popular farmed fish)
Cause : “Tests on the fish and water samples reveal the deaths were caused by frequent ebb tides and the high densities of fish kept caged in pens," say officials
Italy, 28 December 2010
Two miles of beach full of fish, clams and crabs dead in a stretch of coast
Cause : suspected pollution in area
San Antonio, Texas, 29 December 2010
Tourists Greeted By Dozens Of Dead Fish In Museum Reach Section Of River
Cause : Officials suspect “recent rains” and cooler water temperatures
Argentina, 30 December 2010
Lots of dead fish
Causes : unconfirmed but officials are talking “natural” and “suffocation”
Brazil, 29 December 2010 onwards
Millions of dead fish - at least 100 tons of sardine, croaker and catfish)
Cause still presently unknown (waiting for test results)
Arkansas, USA, early Jan 2011
100,000 drum fish
Cause presently unknown
Wales, 2 Jan 2011
Hundreds of dead fish, mostly bream, carp and roach,
Cause : cold water stress suggested
Peterborough, United Kingdom, 4 Jan 2011
Scores fish dead in brook (not the first time either)
Cause : suspected pollution
Canada, 4 Jan 2011
Hundreds of gizzard shad fish
Cause : put down to “natural occurrence”. Officials said such die-offs are not unusual but usually happen in the Spring
Florida, USA, 4 Jan 2011
Thousands Of Fish Dead In Spruce Creek
Officials said it was due to the cold but the fish kill is unusual because it is warm, according to people who live along the creek.
UK, 5 Jan 2011
Dead fish in pool
Cause : cold weather
Maryland, USA, reported 5 Jan 2011 (happened late December it seems)
2 million, primarily adult spot, with some juvenile croakers
Cause : cold water stress suggested
Michigan, USA, reported 5 Jan 2011
Hundreds of dead fish, gizzard shad (type of herring) turning up in rivers
Cause : suspected cold stress
New Zealand, 5 Jan 2011
Hundreds of snapper
Cause presently unknown (some without eyes)
UK, reported 5 Jan 2011
Over 40,000 dead crabs
Cause : attributed to cold stress
Past Cases
1973: Stuttgart, Arkansas. Hail knocked thousands of birds from the sky.
1976: Maryland: 15 million spot fish died early 1976 and a smaller number in 1980.
2001: Arkansas. Lightning killed dozens of mallards at Hot Springs.
1 comment:
Feb 3, 2011
Brazil – Thousands of dead fish in the Pantanal
Feb 11, 2011
New Zealand The deaths of thousands of fish over the past week in Waikato's Whangamarino wetland. http://nz.news.yahoo.com/a/-/top-stories/8819959/big-fish-die-off-in-whangamarino-wetland/
Feb 11, 2011
Florida. Thousands of dead fish washed ashore a Florida state park beach on Friday. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/02/07/thousands-of-dead-fish-wa_n_819725.html
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