What can you say about Billy Graham.
The Truth is there is so much of Billy Graham = thanks only to Jesus Christ - I hope the Quilt of all of Billy Graham will never cease to be told. 99 years is too much to cover.
This last week we had more violence. It didn't reach the proportions and numbers to gain a lot of attention. Alabama high school student charged in classroom shooting - The Washington Post 2 days ago - A 17-year-old has been charged in connection with the fatal shooting of his classmate in an Alabama classroom, the latest episode of gun violence to unfold.
Alabama was called Bombingham. And Billy Graham stood in the Cotton Bowl of Dallas, Texas - turned off all the stadium lights and held up a candle. One candle in the completely darkened Cotton Bowl.
Representing The Unfailing,
Love of Christ Jesus.
The Light of God existing in the Holy Spirit today.
Available for asking for Jesus Christ.
The Victory of Jesus - The Light Shines.

Henry Eugene "Hank" Erwin Jr. went to speak about Jesus at Woodlawn High School (movie) on a day of high racial tension.
Birmingham was called "Boomingham" due to the 50 dynamite explosions that occurred in the city between 1947 and 1965. "Hank", an outsider, asks to speak to the Woodlawn football team and real change begins. Hank, who has been radically affected by the message of hope and love he experienced at a Billy Graham Christian revival meeting in Dallas, Texas, tells the players a "better way" is possible through following Jesus. More than 40 players, nearly the entire team, black and white, give their lives over to Jesus Christ and the spiritual change has a profound effect on the coach, the school and the community. "Woodlawn" is the true story of how faith in God saved a city torn apart by race.
An amazing change all over Alabama happened. This story unfolds in many lives and the lives of Tandy Gerelds, Tony Nathan and Senator Hank Erwin. Not to mention, Hank's sons Andrew and Jon Erwin who knew all their lives they wanted this story told.
This is the Spark in Billy Graham.
Alive today. Jesus.

Human beings all cope with being human. Billy Graham sometimes irked me. He used to talk about the Presidents of the USA. And this irked me. No politician in his right mind was going to come down on the wrong side of Billy Graham. I loved Billy, but I'd stand in front of the TV and mutter, "No, Billy, not the Presidents again. Oh, no."
And then one day. Aggies. I have a little story for you.
The phone rang and my mom worked for one of the best friends of Senator Prescott Bush. For 31 years my mother was the administrative assistant to Ebby Halliday in Dallas, Texas. All the President Bushes visited the office, particularly the youngest President Bush. My mom called and said Ebby was injured and would be unable to go to the Library Opening of President George Herbert Walker Bush. My mother and I were invited to go see the Library open in College Station, Texas A & M University, 1997, Year of Our Lord. Amen.
The Seats, Ebby said, would be quite 'good'. And we chortled all the way with the rest of the planet to drive into College Station that day. In fact, as they waved us into our parking section corresponding to the seats, we had to stop for Maria and Arnold Schwarzenegger. We chortled some more. And the seats were spectacular. If you had binoculars. The planet had arrived to see President Bush parachute in.
The sitting President was President Clinton. Who spent the day kicking his leg extremely vigorously and testing out a facial shade of Magenta Angry. All the Presidents (minus President Reagan who was very ill) were there. All the Presidents spoke of the Trust of the American People and the loyalty towards the Oval Office. In fact, when Billy Graham spoke he turned and spoke directly to President Clinton with strength and with dignity and mercy. I believe it was the only time the presidential leg did not kick and move at a high rate of agitated speed. And he had President Clinton's full attention. At the end of Billy Graham's talk, Clinton seemed to nod.
I finally appreciated Billy Graham and the Presidents. Truth. Dignity. Strength. No gloss. Mercy.
Look President Reagan is having a party for Billy. Bet it's a good one. Billy Graham said this, "I Just Love them. I'm not an Analyzer. My son analyzes everyone. I just Love them."
I found the sincerity and the earnestness and understood. I was never irked again.
We will all have something we Love about Billy Graham.
What I find I can't help but weep over - are the stories of Billy Graham - since he has passed to his New Address - from his children.
"My father has joined my mother in heaven. He went to sleep in his home in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina and woke up in the arms of Jesus. While many around the world mourn his physical death, he is now celebrating the eternal life."
I wept soundly the first time I earnestly heard Billy Graham tell us he would die and change his address and not be dead. I think that was in the 1980s. But it still has the corresponding effect on me today.
I wept to hear of Billy Graham's daughter running to his arms like the Prodigal Son in need of a divorce. And his loving understanding.
I wept to hear of his daughter Anne's marriage trouble and recovery. I wept to hear of the teenage car wreck.
Over the years, I have laughed to hear of Franklin Graham as a child on the roof escaping the well-earned wrath of his mother, Ruth Graham. Ruth, being Ruth, climbed the second mile out on to that roof. I well understood and was so grateful to hear of normalcy. I learned for the rest of my life not to tie a rope swing in a tree for grandchildren because you will be in pain all your life. I was profoundly sorry for the pain of being a diligent grandparent.
Really, the family responses to a ministry that vast - overwhelming - and Joyous - and Loved responses I have to Billy Graham.
Because Love is what Jesus Christ is. And this was the ministry of Billy Graham. Long may we all have these amazing memories of Billy Graham.
Abba Father,
The blessing of God - is indeed what we ask for in the Name of Jesus.
Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death,
so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope.
For we believe that Jesus died and rose again,
and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him.
According to the LORD's word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the LORD, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep.
For the LORD himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.
After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the LORD in the air. And so we will be with the LORD forever.
Therefore encourage one another with these words.
“It is the Holy Spirit's job to convict, God's job to judge and my job to love.”
“God proved his love on the Cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, ‘I love you.’”
"The story does not end with the cross, for Easter points us beyond the tragedy of the cross to the empty tomb. It tells us that there is hope for eternal life, for Christ has conquered evil and death and hell. Yes, there is hope.”
“I've read the last page of the Bible, it's all going to turn out all right.”
We believe, we believe, we believe.
Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus our Christ. Amen.
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