Galatians 5:2-6
English Standard Version, David Cochran Audio
2 Look: I, Paul, say to you that if you accept circumcision, Christ will be of no advantage to you. 3 I testify again to every man who accepts circumcision that he is obligated to keep the whole law. 4 You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified [counted righteous] by the law; you have fallen away from grace. 5 For through the Spirit, by faith, we ourselves eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness. 6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith working through love.
Today it would seem we are talking about penis circumcision. Or men. This passage is sometimes used to prevent the circumcision of young male babies. No. Literally, it is writing of men undergoing circumcision to be accepted into a Church.
Extreme behavior modification called for to blend in.

I know of a very well received youth ministry, with a good amount of followers. This youth minister was doing his very best to combat what teenagers get into the most - alcohol, sex and drugs. He taught over and over and over - no alcohol, ever. No sex - before marriage. We don't even need to discuss drugs. And the kids loved each other. Loved youth group. Agreed at every meeting - the youth minister had it right. The parents were thrilled. Everyone loved it. Lots of mission work, some of it dangerous.
The results. Pregnancy. Drunken accident. 2 car accidents due to some parental oversight. The return rate on the teens going to Church - these kids are still in their 20s. Of the boys - 1 out of 12. One of the ministry trips scared a teenager so much, he doesn't want to feel guilty about not wanting to help others and he wants out of Church.
So what is the problem? The Bible was discarded in some aspects. The Bible teaches moderation in alcohol. Maybe if we taught no to over indulgence, those kids would have felt the teachings prepared them for life. Then the no to sex seemed more like a real no. No, no, no, no - just doesn't cut it.
What if you don't want to go to Africa to do ministry? What if the homeless scare you to death? What if you can't afford the mission trip and don't want a scholarship? What if the woman in bible study has let you know she's gay and she wants to be your next best buddy? What if teenage pregnancy is so forgiven, you wonder how your teenager will benefit from youth group? What if you are sitting in Church addicted to porn or adultery? What if people tell you modern worship music is the only 'real' Christian experience? What if you know you are bully? What if you are uncomfortable in a suit on Sunday mornings. What if you loathe teenagers in wrinkled shorts and torn clothes in the service. ??
This passage is your sign. We are not built to be Unit No. We are not built to be Unit Conform. We are not built to be Unit Only My Opinion Counts. We are not built to be Unit One Opinion.
We are built, called, chosen, created, planned to be - loved as a believer - a child of God. Chosen and Special to your Father God. We are to realize there are not two camps in the real body of Christ. Not everyone is an eye. Not everyone is an elbow. But we all have one thing in common in the unified body of Jesus Christ - we are undeserving. And gloriously forgiven. And we are, every part of the body, a bridge to the other believers. A beacon of forgiveness to all. Not weak-kneed, not Politically Correct no need for morality, forgiveness, but Faith. Working. (not hiding, not resting, not smoozing, not conforming).In. Love.
Father God, we walk in hope the path You've given us. Not perfectly. Not shining. Sometimes sinning, sometimes sinned against and angry. In Your greater Love, we walk in Your sight, in Glory. Help us in Your power, glory and might to be faith working in love. It is a calling we cannot accomplish without Your Help. And You will. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
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