Mark 1:16-20
16 Passing alongside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew the brother of Simon casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. 17 And Jesus said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.”
18 And immediately they left their nets and followed him.
19 And going on a little farther, he saw James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, who were in their boat mending the nets. 20 And immediately he called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants and followed him.
We always think the most pervasive style is knock on doors and tell about Jesus.
Jesus did, right?
Not exactly. Father God sent the Heavenly Host when Jesus was born to tell the Shepherds. He wanted the world to be convinced His Only Son, Jesus Christ, is born.
When Jesus began His ministry - God did about the same thing. All of Capernaum 2-3 thousand people knew the multitudes had seen a miracle. The blind - were seeing. The deaf - hearing. The lame - walking. Everyone knew this wasn't in the Bible. Except surrounding the Messiah.
When Jesus went to Simon and Andrew, James and John - consider this too -
Peter was married - he probably had a child or two to support. He had his mother-in-law to support. Zebedee is known to have contributed a pillar to the Synagogue - named after his sons.

Like us, Peter, Andrew, James and John - were real people. With real lives. Real families. Jobs. Peter's house in Capernaum, was the largest. Had a wonderful view of the Sea of Galilee and left plaster walls. For the people visiting Peter's home for the next 400 years to write Praise and leave a message of faith - we can see today.
How were these people going to fling down their jobs - to go with Jesus? Like the answering Heavenly Host for the birth announcement and the miracles to announce the Messiah - God had made the Jewish Homes into family communities. We see this as Peter's mother-in-law is healed. God had created a path for the families to have homes and food. And God had arranged for Jesus to be an utter jaw-dropping event. These men were not reluctant to go - instead - they were flinging down nets and going with Jesus.
Eugene Burnard painted Peter and John going to the Tomb - couldn't it be just as easily - their hurry to accept Jesus and see the Messiah of God first hand? Andrew and Philip already knew and had told Peter - Jesus is the Messiah.
1. God made the Path.
2. The Path was/is the Plan.
3. God furnished the desire to be part of the Plan/Path.
And there we have evangelism.
Not asking you to be something you are not gifted and not talented to do.
God saying to you His Child - what do you want to do? Can you do that? God is polite. He rarely enters our lives like Mary, Daughter of Heli, wife of Joseph and Mother to Jesus, James, Jude, Joses, Simon and Jesus' Sisters. And even when Mary had Gabriel appear - God had given her the cliff notes from observing Cousin Zechariah. (Zechariah being a Priest had all the papyrus he needed on the mercy of God and the horns of the altar.)
St. Augustine said - if you are given 5 people in your life and you do all you can to be the Light of Christ to these people given to you by God - feel your mission is accomplished.
Visa asks us what is in your wallet?
There was a gigantic Florida insurance company - founded on the idea of one man who was given the Midas touch - to give to Father God. Which he did all his life. In leaps and bounds - not something to be dismissed lightly.
Father God would say what is in your heart and has your gifts?
Are you an uber? A friend. A grandparent. One of my most favorite people on this earth, given to me, was saved by his grandmother insisting study Jesus until he would Love Jesus. She sent him to Confirmation. She said she wouldn't go to Heaven without her grandson. I can tell you, because I was there the day this man passed to Heaven, that call to know Jesus held all kinds of water. Living water.
We should have a response in our heart ready - - - for the teachable moments.
Billy Graham used to hold up one candle in a stadium and show the Light of Christ is easily seen. Lives changed forever. This Light of God continues in our lives today. We who Love Jesus have Jesus in us ready and willing as called.
Using the gifts God has given us, to make Jesus known.
Emmanuel God with us. We have seen a Great Light.
Jesus gathered His Disciples who had seen His miracles for the Blind, the Deaf, the Lame and the Leper. Jesus' first Sunday all of Capernaum came to Hear Jesus. Archaeology tells us Capernaum was 2,000 people. Jesus did not just feed the 5,000, Millenniums of Believers have been fed.
Our King of Kings has arrived.
We ask You fill us, the people we Love. Knowing when Your Plan calls us Home - we want to be greeted by our Father. The Prodigal returns to Father God. As Elizabeth greeted the infant Jesus. Our Joy is in Your Love. Your Love saves us all. Your Good Will and Word. Your Promises eternally.
Gratitude and Love in our soul feeding our hearts, body and mind each day.
Great Thanks for the joy of Summer and need for rain conquered and healed.
We are new each day to carry us into all hope and expectation. The Light of Christ within us to bring us His Joy.
Jesus is Lord of All. Amen
♔ Lord Jesus Saves! †
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