Connect Thessalonia Ossica David, Greece a House Church from the 3rd to 5th Century surviving many, many terrible Greek wars - astonishing mosaic ceiling - astonishing, astonishing survival - and this prime example of a House Church from The Book of Acts.
To Sacre Coeur - sitting on top of Montmartre.
Then Connect them to a RARE Michelangelo's recent Vatican Art Exhibit. The second exhibit of it's kind.
Let's start with dreaded Romans 1
10 in my prayers at all times, asking that now at last by God’s will I may succeed in coming to you. 11 For I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you, 12 that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.
We tend to rush past the art of the past. And believe the Churches that took generations and generations of artists - recognized and not recognized in carvings and woven clothes, woodworkers - to create sit as museums and are neglected. The Past pushed past.
John 5:21
For as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, so also the Son gives life to whom he will.
We, as the Body of Christ, want to know the Body is nourished all over the world. We want to hear Good News of the Body of Jesus Christ.
This Church has a front yard and the porch is used routinely for the parishioners to have children's birthday parties. The porch and yard are in constant in motion. An Act's House Church is alive and well. It's 'only' a miracle of God this building has survived wars and wars and wars and roof changes. Foundation repair. The strife all Churches are shown to have in the New Testament. And this is vibrant and alive with Jesus Christ.
How would that connect to Sacre Couer? We just all gathered to watch fireworks to Celebrate our Nation's Birth. Sacre Coeur is alive on Sundays (June 16th) and every day.
So many Churches have learned what we knew as children
"Here is the Church"
the steeple
Open the Doors - People.
So many Churches have lunches to bring a sack lunch and here the musicians create. Art + Beauty + God+ Sunset = Life.
Abundant Life.
Romans 1:20
For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been madeSaint Dennis of Sacre Coeur reminds us of Scripture as well.
1 Corinthians 12
31 But earnestly desire the higher gifts.
Which lands us right before 1 Corinthians 13 reminding us of Love.
We have to Cherish what is given to us in our Christian Arts and Histories or they are taken from us. It's important for all of us to have a voice and a desire and a prayer and Will to keep the gifts given to us - cherished.
The Vatican rarely releases Michelangelo Art. The Exhibit recently given on loan from the Vatican said it is the Second Time ever to the USA.
See the art and the captions from the exhibit.
This painting is a Crucifixion. These are the Soldiers. This is not a Cartoon. The Miriam Webster Dictionary defines Cartoon
as a sarcastic reference to exaggeration and drama.
I seriously OBJECT.

Attributed to Michelangelo Buonarroti and workshop (over initial sketch by the master with later restorations), Cartoon of Venus Kissed by Cupid, c. 1535, charcoal on 19 sheets of paper, with outlines reworked for transfer of the design onto a working surface, mounted on canvas, Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte, Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe, Naples.
It's interesting the exhibit was condensed from the first exhibit to the second exhibit. Of all the Michelangelo - we are given Crucifixion to Venus and told they relate. As Cartoons.
Museums house important documentation and knowledge and are surrounded with Political Leanings of Religions Intolerance. This should be adjusted to be represented by the beliefs of the People. Do not go gently into that good night.
Not Seen Today, Not Exhibited:

An Amazing Document of 1200 B.C. clear to read. "Mose." Seti II Pharaoh of Egypt.
Important papyri date from the reign of Seti II. The first of these is the Tale of Two Brothers, a fabulous story of troubles within a family on the death of their father, which may have been intended in part as political satire on the situation of the two half-brothers.
Evidence that Amenmesse was a direct contemporary with Seti II's rule—rather than Seti II's immediate predecessor —includes the fact that Seti II's royal KV15[5] tomb at Thebes was deliberately vandalized with many of Seti's royal names being carefully erased here during his reign. The erasures were subsequently repaired by Seti II's agents. This suggests that Seti II's reign at Thebes was interrupted by the rise of a rival.
The problems of a Bronze Snake put on a Stick by Mose.
The People of God have a voice. Amazing Works of Historical Significance should be displayed. And if the Museum is unwilling to do so - another Museum should rise up. When The Treasures of the Russian Czars came to the USA - people traveled all over to see them. Just as the did for King Tut. We traveled to Chicago for this. I knew people traveled to Jackson, MS for the Czars. The Exhibits are now smaller in the last two decades. We need these displays to be amazing. And well represented. The Dead Sea Scrolls paired with the Vatican and the Display was marvelous about 18 years ago.
Jeremiah believed Moses and the Writings of Scripture. In times of trouble, history is revisited and rewritten as if new eyes can interpret better the events of the past.
We need to support the Treasures of Artists who worked for generations to present what we see around the world today. Not hunker down in modern emphasis. We need what the saints of God have provided for Millenniums.
The People of God are supporting Movies in the Cinemas. We need our voice to carry to Museums and Exhibits. We want to see the Museums be pleased to Exhibit each other in grand displays. The museum workers want to see the Public support the greatness and the eagerness to see the Exhibits.
The workers of Museums want the Museums to be as alive as the Churches. Working together - we can bring about more of the astonishing centuries of Christian Witness in Art. Wood. Stone. Vestments. Tapestries. Incredible Artists. Amazing Style. Crosses. Relics. Communal Dishes. Glass. I was confirmed in Erie, PA and all of the windows were astonishingly done by Tiffany.
No one doubts the Christian Church ended the medieval horrors of living crouched behind city walls. Churches boldly built outside the walls. This is why St. Paul's Basilica in Rome is St. Paul's Outside the Walls. Churches ran hospitals. Their records on the plagues would be interesting and intact. Churches broke apart and reformed to bring the Word of God out of the select hands of a few to the many - ending the Latin clamp down. This would be interesting to read the papers of those willing to give their lives to bring us the Bible in our hand today. The monasteries were the Agriculture Colleges of their day. They taught how to grow crops, bees, ale - Europe and the U.K. were saved from starvation by the valid works of the Church. All of this is recorded in art and written record.
We have History to Celebrate. It's not all about the damn "Crusades." Unearth the Victories and Celebrate. The dedication of artisans who did this work for Generations. Celebrate the building of the Cathedrals. Actually a reminder of the Vast Holiness of a Capable Father God.
In celebrating Church Victories of the Past - we hold up standards for tired knees to have new Enthusiasm.
When these Tapestries are examined - the examiners are so trained they will be able to know by color of thread, by the garments portrayed - what area of country and the time the Tapestry was made. Lace is known by city. Even back to the 1200's. We can know about the unknown artists and the communities making the tapestries and the histories of the people.
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things and the God of peace will be with you”
In the Awesome Communion of the Saints Available Today.
Amen in Jesus Christ.
1 Peter 1:23
We have been born again,
not of perishable seed,
but of imperishable,
through the living
and enduring
Word of God.
The Nebuchadnezzar II Gates were known by Daniel and Ezekiel. We could see these in our Museums - these kings of different cultures - sharing Word in the Bible - were some of the most Humanitarian in all the World Histories.
The Hittite Empire was fable for almost 2000 years - no more - their library is the Library of the Bible. Representations of Amazing History could be seen in Museums world wide.
Our History Amazingly Follows Jesus and His Church.
We could have representations and photos just of Gates of the World.
We have so many Gates to Discover.

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