Tell the ones you love
your relationship
Mark 6:1-6
He went away from there and came to his hometown, and His disciples followed him.
And on the Sabbath he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were astonished, saying, “Where did this man get these things? What is the wisdom given to him? How are such mighty works done by his hands?
Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us?” And they took offense at him. 4 And Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor, except in his hometown and among his relatives and in his own household.”
except that He laid his hands on a few sick people and healed them.
And He marveled because of their unbelief.
And He went about among the villages teaching.
Everyday Jesus. He healed them. We would Marvel! The Disciples said... Jesus only healed a few. Lord God, may your Holy Spirit fall newly afresh upon Your Good Creation. More of Jesus every day, Your Glory. Thank You, Father, You give us Jesus. Amen. Amen.

Everyday Jesus dealt with:
Miracles, adversity, praise, ridicule, problems, solutions,
love, warmth, hospitality, injustice,
Glory and God.
Not just Nazareth.
All of His ministry.
And on this day, Jesus marveled at the unbelief. And went about His Day.
Others might have said Jesus' life was too hard. Jesus said His Life is Joy.
Jesus calls this life Joy.
And turns His face to finding:
the hopeful,
diligent to God,
newly remade hearts,
those grateful today
and those grateful in His Plan down the path.
Jesus took each day and found the Mercy of God.
Nazareth is famous in all of Israel, with the 12 tribes, for being a watchtower for safety.
Probably the people who lived in Nazareth were the people who wanted to be safe and to watch out for danger to have good and comfortable lives. And so, it's not unusual Nazareth is recorded through the millenniums for their observation of the Family of Joseph. And it is a favorable report.
The Scriptures don't say He rolled around on the ground, shook His Fist, became so angry He was purple. Called down fire. Or hopped. He didn't say, Peter, come over here, I have to talk to you. Jesus didn't call His Disciples together to explain. Jesus didn't run home and get His Brothers and Sisters. The Scriptures don't say Jesus was angry. Jesus didn't fear. The Scriptures don't say Jesus didn't understand mankind. Jesus said He knew what was in mankind.
His Mercies renew every day. Jesus says life is Joy. Jesus was planning on tomorrow as Joy.
Even if He has to have Peter pull a fish out of the Sea tomorrow.
The other time Jesus marveled was in the hometown Jesus picked as an adult, Capernaum. Capernaum has views. Of the Sea of Galilee in many different seasons and weather conditions. Calming and interesting. And of the mountains, something to look up to see. And find the sky making patterns across colors different in different seasons. Like the Sea of Galilee, the meadow flowers would move like waves on the Sea.
Jesus marveled when a man of faith believed the Authority of Jesus.
And Jesus rejoiced in His Heart, the men believed He acted by His Word. The Centurion believed Jesus could heal his servant for his faith, his belief and his goodness giving God joy. Jesus praised the Centurion and said in all of Israel, the Centurion understood. This pleasure and marvel of God's Son is a study of our prayers today and every day.
We believe God. And treasure His Love. Giving God Love in return. Father and Child. Son of the Lord. Daughter of God. Beloved. We are.
Jesus Christ meek and mild is Not Scripture!
Jesus tells us He fulfills every dot and iota of Scripture, especially when we can't.
Jesus handles different situations differently. Jesus certainly chased the money changers out of the Royal Stoaa on Temple Grounds.
The Royal Stoaa was a huge building, later the Vatican building copied, built in 400 A.D. would indeed copy the Royal Stoaa. One Gospel is unclear, Jesus perhaps chased the Money Changers from the 36 acres of Temple grounds. We Believe Jesus could do this.
Jesus tells us He is one with the Holy Trinity.
Jesus is Teacher, Comfort and Comforter. When Jesus didn't Yell with Authority or out discuss Loving God with your whole heart, making someone close to the Kingdom of God at hand. Jesus is the comfort when we don't have to have the last word. Jesus is the teacher that not all discussions, He has a winning hand. Not every situation is apparently winnable. Jesus just perfectly in God's Wisdom said, go forth to a better, "Give us the Day."
The hometown of Nazareth would later decide to throw Jesus from Nazareth plateau.
Jesus again walked away. This was more spectacular, to avoid violence with a crowd of the people who had known Jesus as a boy. Both times, Jesus chose to walk away. Wisely. And if we want to think about when Jesus didn't set out to win the moment or the conversation, we would have to remember Jesus' own Brothers and Sisters. Not all situations are winning situations.
Yet, Jesus tells us, "Greet all this with prayer and God's Plan to save the world."
Was Jesus right? His Brothers and Sisters are recorded as going out to the world to tell of the Wonders of God in Jesus, God's Son, Messiah. If we fully face the criticism this was a cult, we would have to also see, the brothers and their wives didn't travel as a team, but two by two. This is more the path of God since Genesis and not clumps of chumps.
Jesus was Right. Wise. Wisdom.
Profoundly Wise. In the early 3rd century, the Emperor sent several highly placed young men in the Empire to go to Nazareth, torture the generations of Joseph and Mary's family to disown and denounce Jesus. Future Emperor Constantine was seen going to do this by Bishop
Eusebius, Bishop Eusebius of Caesarea.
What Constantine saw in his 2 weeks in Nazareth.
Constantine was a potential emperor in the heirship plans of Diocletian, his enslavement to the Emperor by military orders, to prevent political uprising, Emperors did that with competition. Nonetheless, Constantine was a prominent member of the court: Bishop Eusebius was eye witness of Constantine's journey to torture Jesus Christ’s nephew descendants to repent of Jesus. They all refused to give up Jesus as Lord even upon torture and promises. Constantine was a tolerant and politically skilled man who had mixed with pagans and Christians in the reign prior to Diocletian. Events there in Nazareth changed our lives. God's generational plan.
Our daily explanation of Jesus in our lives,
changes lives for generations.
Pray for Texas and the many in the storms tonight.
Please remember to pray for my mother's roof and the insurance claim
to be merciful and good.
Abba, Father,
We pray
for better weather
and Hope filling
us as we pray
and soothing Your Good Creation.
We ask for You to dwell in us,
dwell in those we love,
Help us to seek You first
and have the joy of seeing many Love You.
In Jesus Christ, we will finish well.
We would see our prayers, in Jesus, burst into bloom;
we will rejoice greatly and shout for joy.
The glory of prayer answered will be given to us, in Jesus,
the splendor of Your Good Creation;
We ask to see more Heaven on earth,
and then we will see the glory of the LORD,
the splendor of our God.
We pray for Your Plans, Your Good Will,
and ask those we love
will be a crown of splendor in the Lord's Hand
His Love, placing You in the Hand of God Almighty!
For the Lord, our Gracious and Merciful Lord
to take Delight in You
and Your Land, Your home Blessed with the Joys of Heaven
and His Healing with His Abundant Goodness.
The Beloved of God ask for His Favor,
We want to Sing, as the Heavens; and be joyful,
to hear all break forth into singing,
Upward, for the LORD hath comforted His people,
and will have mercy upon His Children
In Jesus:
For ye shall go out with joy,
and be led forth with peace:
the mountains and the hills
shall break forth before you into singing,
and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
Philippians 4:4
Be cheerful with joyous celebration
in every season of life.
Let joy overflow
We pray for relief to help and reach Syria
and Turkey. 6.4 and 4.9 earthquakes this week.
We pray this will cease. Lord, Your mercy upon this land and
Your people.
We pray Amazon puts back Amazon Smile,
philanthropy is needed today and this program
was wonderful. Many will feel the clip if Amazon Smile doesn't
continue. Please Lord.
Your Words are Living and Active, when we long for Your Words,
You are there.
To Know Scripture is to Know the Power of God. For Your Glory, Father God.
To Know Scripture is to Know the Power of God. For Your Glory, Father God.
The times of refreshing, more enduring.
Meaningful Life. Abundant Life to Look Up and Find
the benefits You daily give and load us with
. If we don't see our blessings, we cannot live our Blessings.
We have had problems in our neighborhood,
theft of a mower, acts of violence.
Pray for peace, please.
My mother's roof is in sudden need of
repairs and we want to find the best solutions for her house.
During the rainy season.
In Jesus, we Live and ask this for those we Love.
We pray for our own strength,
Love and ask Jesus to cover this Nation, those who lead this Nation
and all other nations in this good fight.

We ask for Your Blessings,
Thank You for all Jesus daily
gives us.
Yes Bless The Lord Jesus
Yes Jesus Bless Asbury
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