Micah 6:8
He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
Yesterday I was asked what this blog writes about. The reply is, "What Jesus is saying, what aspect of Jesus is present - Today - living and active. God of Love."
Today and two weeks ago I was asked if being a Christian implies you blindly follow being kind. As if having an invisible friend makes you about 4 years old, as if you are a Linus with a blanket. A zombie to the rules.
Nothing is further from - The Truth.
God could very, very easily have flown the Children of Israel to the promised land. He required them (Hebrews 11) to "Believe God." A real step of faith to walk between an ocean being parted so far - that the walls of water - do Not Reveal the Other Side.
God expects us to be doing the right Spiritual Worship. We please God and He sees we are never possibly going to be creating people, and substances, not even a planet, much less a Universe. God answers the prayers of those who just - purely - genuinely believe - I cannot do the Law. I cannot be good enough. I cannot be God. I need the Loving Father so very much. In this Joy and Comfort of God, He provides the Strength, the diligence, the wisdom, to do each day with - Love, Faith, Hope, Peace, Joy and Wisdom.
Daily we need God. Daily He gives us firm footing on the path as if we were Peter put in the boat on the Sea of Galilee. Daily we have the assurance in the wild winds of Life - God is going to call for Calm and Peace and Provide.
God does not put Christians on the path of His as idiots. He clearly tells us to expect the people around us to work, to be honest, to not free coat ride. We should not feel God ever places us as the god Atlas to hold up our lives and enable those around us. Because we are never God, we will have bullies, we will have those who feel they will control us, we will have those who feel sorry for us to Love Jesus.
However, what this type of human being does not see - the Light of mankind Shines. And Shines.
The Adventure of Life - is the Love God puts in us as Strength. God is a very firm foundation.
When a Child of Abba, loves the Father - even his enemies live in peace with Him.
I had a feud I never called for put on my life. About 2005. This was someone who is part of my life and she is a Christian. She decided we needed peace a few years ago, 2012, and called my house with the tone in her voice saying, "Yep. Both Christians and you are going to get into my washing machine and I am going to run the spin buttons" and the words said, "Come on over, I have two of my best pals here and we want to have you for lunch." I really did not feel like being lunched upon that day and I declined. And about a year ago, a well meaning friend put us together to make peace for the feud the other lady had called for. I spoke with her and the tone was back, "Oh let's be friendsies, why not." I said, "This makes me uncomfortable for the glib way you are so easy breezy with peace when your best friend will not speak with me until you have left. And then she is quite friendly. I think this speaks volumes about the water still going under the bridge." She said she was the better Christian. I said, "Love does no harm to a neighbor."
The truth is this. Peace - Real Peace is real and hard won when one side is not at peace. Peace requires truth. Peace is a process even for the Prodigal Son's Father.
The point of the story? The adventure continued. My husband is not always well, but he is a walking miracle to have joy and purpose with each day. Edward placed us in a restaurant exactly beside this long time friend and feuder. I began to wave and speak, but was greeted with a stone wall. We pretended a distance of 5 feet made us oceans apart. I felt in my soul. Searched. I had done no harm, I would not suffer someone else and their agenda. This is God's Day and I will find the Love and Joy. I had a great time at the restaurant and decided life is a gift, I have today and I will find the Love and Joy.
Is the woman a Christian? You bet. And is she wrong? You bet. I've been wrong in my life. I do not need to cast a stone or sling a barb.
What happens with Christians? I love to walk. I get about 2 to 4 miles a day. When I don't have a project that takes hours and is my exercise. I ran into this lady and we stood and were rueful of the years this has taken. We recognized our similarities. We recognized our differences. We stood and remembered years we were friends. And enjoyed each other. She spoke words of future plans that put an end to the feud. Real words of a real acknowledgement of wrong and of change. This is peace. God has made a division and God will plan a better Peace. God does not say nicey and friendsy and no problemo. Abba says I love you. Abba says there is no partiality and paths separate. And Peace can begin in God being accepted.
Celebrate the day. We can be the Princess with the 40 mattresses and the pea. Celebrate - a chore you had help with. A huge project several people helped you with and you Love them. Celebrate working hard and the food tastes so good. Celebrate God provided. Celebrate being healthy enough to go for a walk. Celebrate the survival of a parent and listening to good times and being glad to even have the grumps of real life. You've never missed a parent more than they are too ill to even dial a phone for 4 months and one day the phone rings and this is YOUR PARENT.
Celebrate when life moves slower and you slow down with someone you love. The memories become a little more cherished. The dog with way too much energy will slow down and one day you will walk ahead of your pal. Remember that when the yard is trampled. Celebrate the other side of the bed is occupied with the same person for 30 years. Celebrate the chores God puts in your hand to do. My Grandmother Anita had a very well known prayer my mother has typed up and framed for lots of people. "Thank You God for the awesome and auspicious privilege of doing dishes for the people I love." I never could really wrap that around me, and now I fully can appreciate that.
Celebrate an 8 year old ringing your doorbell to have "friendship party day" and the day is your facebook birthday. The Light of the world is shining. Better never forget to enjoy seeing Jesus work His amazing Mission Plan. Enjoy your old cat, one day he is your sweet memory.
Awesome and amazing, Jesus blessing us to see the Father Day.
Amen Jesus! And even if it is Lent - Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia
God has heard our prayers, His Word is True, His Love is Permanent.
God is always Good. Thank You, Jesus. I place my loved ones with You with adventure and expectation. Amen.
♔ Lord Jesus Saves †