Reading Scripture helps us know God's Love. Every Bible verse is written for you. Jesus Christ is all mankind's Light. John 1!

Tuesday, August 01, 2023

John 20:29 ~ and yet have believed


Jesus replied to Jeremiah's writings by saying:


John 20:29

Then Jesus told him, 
"Because you have seen me, you have believed; 
are those who have not seen 
and yet 
have believed."

Before the Pandemic, the most asked about prayer for those who feel assured in Jesus giving His Promises of Salvation, usually ask prayer for those who are suffering in life and unsure. Does this happen today?  I'm not certain, Christian polling numbers are placed more in the political realm of pollsters.  We know that believers currently say 60% make time during the week for The Lord and their heart placed with Him in prayer and worship, their thoughts.

Ephesians 1:3

Praise be to the God 
and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 
who has blessed us in the heavenly realms 
with every spiritual blessing 
in Christ.

We have seen even a glimpse of what Jesus has done in the Gospels. We can name something miraculous.

1 John 5:13

I write these things to you 
who believe in the Name of the Son of God 
so that you may know t
hat you have eternal life.

The Blessed Assurance Jesus is mine


Deuteronomy 30:19

This day I call the heavens and the earth 
as witnesses against you that 
I have set before you life and death, 
blessings and curses. 
Now choose life, so that you and your children may live

We pray for others, knowing how deep and wide is the Love Jesus has for His People. And we pray, knowing Jesus walks on water. Nothing is impossible for Jesus.  The dead rise to life again, as did Jairus daughter.  And the widow's son.

Colossians 2:2

My goal is that they may be encouraged 
in heart and united in love, 
so that they may have the full riches 
of complete understanding,
 in order that they may know 
the mystery
 of God, 
namely, Christ

Jesus purposefully is a mystery. He tells us the work of mankind is to believe. The path to Heaven is said to be narrow. It's not the same gigantic highway for each of us. In finding the wilderness, Jesus put Himself in, to be found by the crowds, the seeking and the journey became the understanding of His Love, Joy and Salvation.

The Disciples walked with Jesus. Some were told, day one. And years passed before Jesus asked them who they thought He was. Not all jumped up to answer His question. 

Hebrews 11

19 Abraham reasoned that God could raise the dead, 
and in a sense, he did receive Isaac back from death. 

20 By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning the future. 

21 By faith Jacob, when he was dying, 
blessed each of Joseph’s sons
 and worshiped as he leaned on the top of his staff.

The bravery of Jacob to give His Blessing even to Joseph's sons, who were Gentiles by birth.
The bravery of Jacob to believe Israel, as a Nation, would even be available to Give Abraham's Blessing. Only by faith, was this done.

Hosea 3:5

Afterward the Israelites will return
 and seek the LORD 
their God 
and David their king. 

They will come trembling to the LORD 
and to His blessings in the last days.

This bulla, and the seal on the Papyrus, are for an Egyptian order of grain for Hezekiah.

All accomplished by faith.

1 Corinthians 9:23

I do all this for the sake of the Gospel, 
that I may share 
in its blessings.

1 Thessalonians 5:28
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

John 17:13

3 But now I am coming to You, 
and these things I speak in the world, 
that they may have my joy fulfilled in themselves.

♔ Lord Jesus Saves †

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Matthew 16:24-28 ~ will find life

Matthew 16:24-28

Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. 25 For whoever would save his life[soul] will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. 26 For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul? 

27 For the Son of Man is going to come with his angels in the glory of his Father, and then he will repay each person according to what he has done. 28 Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.”

Yesterday we looked at Scripture telling us He loves us as we are. How wide, how high, how deep is His love.  Creating us to be uniquely ourselves.

Today we are looking at self-denial leading to Heaven ~ His Kingdom. Suffering is just Not my favorite part of loving the Lord. We once heard a Baptist Pastor who cried when he spoke of Peter saying crucify me upside down, not as my Lord. And that sight will melt your heart & remind you just how seriously the men who followed the Lord were willing to go.

We will Sing of the Saints of God and I want to be one too, but this is not my favorite verse and I would like to tackle this.

Usually, my reaction to this verse it to hope, with prayer, a cross is Not required of me. One of the phrases I think about when integrity and determination is required of me ~ "When the line is drawn, where will I stand." Will I be happy with myself, feeling I've pleased Jesus. Our Hero. Our Savior. I want to do my best for the Lord, however Passion of the Christ is a wonderful, life changing, soul jerking, sadness to see Innocence and Goodness die for me. I watched that at our house with our Couples Class again. And we sat and cried our hearts out. Jack, a wonderful Christian, said something so profound, "How could we watch that, without knowing Easter is coming."  We are the Easter people and Alleluia is our song

We are so cavalier about placing a cross around our necks. God has shaped our world ~ this is victory over death. When Jesus said this, He did indeed mean to die for our beliefs. In the Early Church, not all chose to die, but to flee, not forgetting to carry the Gospels and New Testament, God spreading His Word in their living determination to please Him.

Jesus turned to Peter, as a lot of disciples left, hearing we were to eat His flesh and drink His blood. Jesus, with His amazing compassion, knows how we react to hard statements. Peter told Jesus, what so many of us know. Jesus has the words of life. And is compassion for the weak.

Matthew 11:13-19
13 For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John, 14 and if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah who is to come. 15 He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

16 “But to what shall I compare this generation? It is like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling to their playmates,

17 “‘We played the flute for you, and you did not dance;
we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn.’

18 For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, ‘He has a demon.’ 19 The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Look at him! A glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’ Yet wisdom is justified by her deeds.

We are dealing with carrying a cross seriously, not being glib. This is something, if we are honest, we would have to grow into. Peter fled. All the disciples fled. Only John went peacefully into the world knowing he as the beloved disciple had stood for Jesus. Jesus does not ask lightly.

In my entire life, I've only heard one person cling to the verse about carrying a cross. And that was a loved one who was dying. And felt equipped for the journey Home. This changed for them from the beginning of the illness, to the hope of redemption. Clinging they said, not to any old cross, But HIS cross. This I understand fully. 

One of the reasons we see almost all the disciples willing to give up earthly lives for Him, the deep breath of forgiveness given to them. Once they tasted peace, they were unwilling to live unforgiven. 

Solomon said the house of mirth is the house of fools. And Jesus created a New Covenant with God for us. Saying, if the Bridegroom is with us, how can we fast. And sent His Holy Spirit to dwell within us. Creating an opportunity for us to face the true and sometimes grim realities the Scriptures tell us exist with an attitude of Jesus in the Ship, asleep, trusting God. Looking to the future with hope, trusting that God will provide and we will encounter suffering with Real Hope. 

Romans 5:3-5
Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. 

So do we glory in our sufferings? I will tell you this with certainty!!!! I got past those suckers!!  There is a Christian song out there saying You trust me in my problems to look to You. I do believe the Lord could say that to me!  And the song - "Stronger" ~ you bet, crank that song up LOUDER.

Peter so bravely endured a cross given to Him, but Peter's hope was and is Jesus. Who does not want to be seen as being loving. We expect this in Jesus, not calling Him fierce and determined, saying He has these beautiful attributes.

1 Chronicles 16:33
Then shall the trees of the forest
 sing for joy 
before the Lord, 
for He comes to judge the earth.

1 Chronicles 29:17

I know, my God, that you test the heart
 and have pleasure in uprightness. 
In the uprightness of my heart 
I have freely offered all these things, 
and now I have seen your people, 
who are present here, 
offering freely and joyously 
to You.

Abba, Father, 

I'd be dishonest to say - let me have a cross to carry. 
Forgive me Father God. For asking for comfort. 
I want to be the beloved disciple.  

I prefer Lord, with deep gratitude, knowing You paid the price for me. 
Knowing nothing I could ever do would save me, 
only the Goodness of You being innocent 
and taking my stripes for me. 

I will not fear, but trust You as life unfolds, You dwell with me. 

When my life requires me to be bold for you, be brave, 
let Your unfailing Love and Steadfast Mercy 
lead me in the paths of righteousness for Your name's sake. 
I so acknowledge each day, 
I need Your Salvation.  

Lord Jesus. Amen. 

♔ Lord Jesus Saves †

Yay Lord Jesus 

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Acts 1:1-15 ~ together


Acts 1:1-15

1 In the first book,  Theophilus, I have dealt with all that Jesus began to do and teach, 2 until the day when He was taken up, after He had given commands through the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom He had chosen. 3 He presented Himself alive to them after His suffering by many proofs, appearing to them during forty days and speaking about the kingdom of God.

4 And while staying with them, He ordered them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father, which, He said, "you heard from Me; 5 for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now."

6 So when they had come together, they asked him, "Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?"

7 He said to them, "It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority. 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."

9 And when He had said these things, as they were looking on, He was lifted up, and a cloud took Him out of their sight. 10 And while they were gazing into heaven as He went.

Behold, two men stood by them in white robes, 11 and said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, Who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw Him go into heaven."

12 Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem, a Sabbath day's journey away. 13 And when they had entered, they went up to the upper room, where they were staying, Peter and John and James and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus and Simon the Zealot and Judas the son of James.

14 All these with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers. 15 In those days Peter stood up among the brothers (the company of persons was in all about 120) and said, 16 "Brothers, the Scripture had to be fulfilled"

The movie, Places in the Heart, 1984, could have been the Story of Jacob. Jacob wants more than he can have. His mother says he should have more. Isaac is dying, so the time is right to take the Abraham Blessing from Esau. 

Then a tumble down of God events to create in Jacob an understanding of taking as injustice. The loss of his home. To be less than admired or put first in his uncle's home. Taken advantage of. Loss of the 14 fertility years with Leah. Surrounded by family, he never thought to create. The need to leave his uncle. The ways of evil, the curse placed on Leah, from her underhanded dealings. Like the Exodus, to travel in harsh terrain. Never having the Holy Land seem peaceful or Holy to Jacob.

We never find Esau and Jacob living in harmony for any long period of time. Time and tide with human ability to create dissention has pushed apart the Holy Family Abraham had longed to see. Like David's grandson Rehoboam - the end of the Dynasty of Israel. 

It's another reason than simply being in complete understanding of Jesus' location in Acts 1.
Jesus lets us know, He is not pushed by time and tide. His direction is straight to God, upward.

Acts 1 has the ending we would all long to have. Forgiveness. All the people have fully understood the currents of a Jacob life we live. And have decided that Love is the most important portion.

Acts 1 is simply the most miraculous portion of peace. Mary, her family, Jesus, the Disciples. This is the Work of God and a Glimpse of Heaven.

Ephesians 2:8-9 

For by grace you have been saved through faith. 
And this is not your own doing; 
it is the gift of God, 
not a result of works, 
so that no one may boast.

Abba, Father,

Father God, each day, let me walk with You. 

Let the meditations of my heart and the words of my mouth, 
be pleasing to You. 
My Rock and my Redeemer. 

In the Blessing 
You gave Your Beloved:

Bless those I love
and Keep them

Let Your Face to Shine upon us
and Be Gracious to us, please.

Lift Your Countenance and Smile
Give us Your Peace
and Cover us 
The Highest Name of Jesus Christ.
The Lord!


♔ Lord Jesus Saves †

Friday, July 28, 2023

Ecclesiastes 3:12-13 ~ Joyful

2 Peter 3:18 

Growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 
To Him be the glory 
both now 
and to the day of eternity. 

Ecclesiastes 3:12-13

I perceived that there is 
 better for them than to be joyful 
 to do good as long as they live; 

also that everyone should eat and drink 
and take pleasure 
in all his toil
—this is God's gift 
to man.

We went to Steve Miller's Concert tonight in The Woodlands.  Edward and I won two tickets to see Steve Miller in 1999. Two seats. KVIL Radio, in Dallas, didn't push their winnings too hard, and we sat in Row 8, with 7 Rows empty in front of us. Steve asked us what we did to the people in front of us. 

So, we met on an island 
of seats to have front row 1, on Row 8.
Steve probably wouldn't remember
We probably couldn't forget it.

This is our 4TH CONCERT. We went as adults, took neighbors, kids and then the mother-in-law. But I want to ASSURE YOU, Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin' Into the future. Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin' Into the future… but you NEED to get the Live Version of July 29, 2023 

1970s Lives On Perfectly
Steve Miller Band, The Woodlands, Texas - this truly is the best concert of Steve Miller Band. Nothing, not one iota, has slipped. This was all the beauty, all the talent, all the grace, all the wisdom, of a man who truly knows he is BLESSED. If you had to sum up Steve Miller, you'd have to say gentle humor, gratitude and graciousness. Last time we saw Steve Miller, he was promoting Bob Dylan's son. Very talented. Gracious Steve.

So, Get the Live Version of Steve Miller, July 29, 2023. 

This man doesn't slip at all. The energy and the perfection. And he throws in what some of his all-time favorites, and ours, sound like when he plays at home. Extreme Talent and variation.

This was a tapestry of Steve Miller talking about the past, the future and the Joy.

Every single second.

Our son worked for his first summer in High School because he had to have a Les Gibson guitar.

And who is Les Gibson to Steve Miller? Les Gibson married in the household of Steve Miller, his parents were Best Man and Maid of Honor when he was 4 years old. Steve was shaped by Les Gibson.  The musical history is alive with great memories we would like to see on the Huge Screen. 

Steve dedicated  

Romans 8:28
And we know that for those who love God 
all things work together for good, 
for those who are called according to His purpose.

Big Ol Jet Airliner to the many musicians he has been close to, who have taken the Big Ol Jet
to their Heavenly Rewards. Reminding us, Steve will do that sometime, with all beautiful sincerity and warm memories, earnestly and with no regrets. The perfect note - as always. The Beat was Up.

And then we added to hearing The Kingfish Blues Band. 
Remembering Muddy Waters and Little Walter, the world's best harmonica artist.

Alive in Heaven and the little house in Clarksdale, Mississippi - in The Delta Blues Museum.  He has Played with ALL THE GREAT BLUES ARTISTS. Steve Miller didn't stay in the Dallas Oak Cliff Blues Nightclubs of his St. Marks High School years with Boz Scaggs, Na, Miller moved on to Chicago and Blues. 

We will all nominate Steve and The Steve Miller Band for their place in the Delta Blues Museum. 

The great story about Steve Miller's career was his mom, explaining to St. Marks School, he had his mom's permission to be in Oak Cliff Nightclubs every night at age 13. Why? He was killing it and bringing in the money grown men would love to begin with today. Back then, y'all, Oak Cliff wasn't where you'd see your mom hanging out in Blues Bars to drive you home to do Algebra. Now, there are weddings and all kinds of ways to get downtown on time.

Psalm 23:1-6 

A Psalm of David. 

 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. 
He makes me lie down in green pastures. 
He leads me beside still waters. 
He restores my soul.

The Gratitude Steve Miller has, has the crowd air punching the sky and saying, "That's what I'm Talking About." So, glad for this man. Bring new directions and making a tapestry of wit, wisdom and musical, unbelievable ability.  

Then going further, remembering 1968. Civil Rights fights. Fires. News. Unrest. Disquiet. And Steve Miller said Just Like 1968. Doesn't that feel better? To have someone remember those news times.  Upheaval.  Let's all pray the Pandemic makes us better instead of mean and bitter. 

And then...

Romans 12:10
Love one another with brotherly affection. 
Outdo one another in showing honor.

After we learned what it was like to live during the Civil Rights Unrest, like today, We heard, gently, be good to each other. Learn to build each other up and not do the harshness. Be good to each other and find ways to be, just, kind. Find kinder things to say.

Little unusual to see Scripture from Amazing. Ok. Sure. But St Francis had this same appeal.  

“Preach the Bible at all times, if necessary, use words.”

Isn't the quote.

“It is no use walking anywhere to preach unless our walking is our preaching.”

This Heart wasn't preached.
This is walking, jazzing, triumphing
and not just warming
completely captivating 
of us.


1 Peter 4:7-19 ~ in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ

Luke 18:1

Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them 
that they should always pray 
and not give up

For great is the glory of the Lord!

Abba, Father,

Blessed Be the Name of Jesus
and those who call upon Him

Blessed be those who have
their hope in You

Thank You for hearing our prayers
and answering us
as our Father.

In the Highest Name of
Jesus, Alleluia,

Fly Like an Eagle

♔ Lord Jesus Saves †

Yay Lord Jesus 

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We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He has saved all who call upon His name and rely on Him for His Grace. The Scriptures are living & active and are for understanding the Lord Almighty. Biblical readings are chosen from the Ecumenical Christian Church and the Nicene Council, 325 A.D., approved Apocrypha. People remember not just from reading, but by sight and orally- an image has been added as well as audio readings. God tends to link the passages together with fascinates - this blogger, Anne-Laurel Gardere

A simple blog, scripture-for-today.blogspot

This blog is pretty simple, but for a reason. This blog isn't about agenda or me, it is for the joy and love to found by reading the Scriptures. Ultimately, it is you and the Lord.

The Scriptures are Father God's letter to you. He wanted you to know more, to know He loves you.

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New Posts by Subject Matter


The World Changed Rapidly after the first Easter

Our God of All

Posts by Subject Matter

Blessings, Anne-Laurel

Who Jesus Is
1 Timothy 1:1-11 ~ God our Savior, and Lord Jesus Christ, which is our hope
Matthew 16:13-20 ~ who do people say the Son of Man is?

Good News for us to remember and Think Upon
Animals are found in Heaven ~ 6 Prophets See Animals in Heaven

Anger, Jealousy=Trouble

The Bible explains the Bible, Prophetically

Bible - in your hand, today

Bible Accuracy


Blessing our Father God

Blessing - unaware


Christmas - His Word Upholds the Universe - December 25th

Psalm 135 ~ who is in your midst
John 1:1-14, 16, 29-51 ~ He was in the world

Details - Putting it all together and discovering it is about God

Psalm 108 ~ In triumph I will parcel out Shechem

Determine your own path, just love Him

Judges 16 ~ like any other man
John 4:43-54 ~ Doing what Jesus says


Every Day, Still Today
Today, Yesterday, Tomorrow

Exodus - History

Heavenly Hosts
His Messengers of Light

Elements of Nature Displaying HIS Glory
Exodus 40:16-38 ~ In the first month in the second year, on the first day of the month, the tabernacle was erected.

I Decide What is Right and Wrong - God noticed this in the Garden of Eden from Eve

Individualism and Groups

It's the End of the World as We Know it, And I Feel Fine. (One of our most read posts.)
Grandpa - The Bible is Really the Life Story of People and
their Abba

Gates of Heaven

Gifts of God, all of us

Giving - God certainly is


God sees His Creation as Good!!!


Good Friday




Grief, Forgiveness, Homecoming

Hated Emotion - Fear

History - Is There History Showing Jesus was Alive - VERY EXTENSIVE HISTORY


Holy Spirit ~ Manifestations

Homeward Bound, still a sojourner

Honey, Do this

John 3:31-36 ~ that God is true

Israel - Destroyed Completely and Rebuilt. A sign of Jesus. Existing today.

Jesus clearly put a Foundation for His Resurrection to be Believed by the Multitudes of all of Israel and the Nations

Jesus and His Childhood Privacy
Nazareth - What Jesus did See Growing Up

John the Beloved Disciple

The Journey of Joseph

Live It
Psalm 117 ~ Praise the Lord
Psalm 82 ~ rescue the weak and the needy
2 Samuel 4:1-12 ~ David answered
Hebrews 12 ~ Thankful
Psalm 31:3-8,17-21 ~ Thou hast redeemed me
Isaiah 40:1-11 ~ His reward is with Him
Matthew 13:31-32 ~ the birds of the air come and perch in its branches
Matthew 6:25-34 ~ your heavenly Father knows that you need
Luke 11:29-32 ~ Rise up
Psalm 126 ~ shouts of joy, bringing his sheaves
Luke 14:15-24 ~ there is still room
Joshua 1:1-9 ~ I am giving
Acts 5 ~ speak in the name of Jesus
John 1 ~ the Light shines
John 3:5-8 ~ born again
~ they went on from there and passed through Galilee
Judges 20 ~ Israel

Losing a Loved One - Passing ON

Revelation 21:22-27 ~ those who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life

Not Being Tossed Back and Forth with Emotion
Ephesians 4 ~ speaking the truth in Love

Romans 7:1-12 ~ bear fruit for God
1 Corinthians 7 ~ For the unbelieving husband is made holy because of his wife, and the unbelieving wife is made holy because of her husband
Genesis 37:12-24 ~ when Reuben
Psalm 143 ~ Your steadfast love
Psalm 86 ~ For great is your steadfast love

Media... taking it down the path
1 Corinthians 10 ~ Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God

Mercy, an Inseparable Component of Truth
Matthew 23:23-26 ~ clean
1 Samuel 12 ~ serve the Lord with all your heart
Matthew 22:34-40 ~ The great and first commandment. And a second is like it

Job 38 ~ Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding.
Psalm 19 ~ the heavens declare the glory of God
2 Kings 5:1-15 ~ a mighty man of valor, but he was a leper
1 Chronicles 13 ~ the Lord blessed the household of Obed-edom


Pharisee ~ Religion
Luke 11:42-46 ~ Woe to you Pharisees!

Pictorial Images of the 12 Tribes of Israel

Picture It

Overcoming, with God's help!

Positive Attitude in Trouble

Prophets - the Law and the Old Men in Robes or People who Love the Lord. Flaws and Virtues. What They Sought in the Lord and What Drew Them to Him.



Psalm 91 ~ Prayer is always heard, God has an open door policy

Prayer Needs

Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words


Prosperity Gospel

Repeat and Repeat



Revelation 8:2
Seven Angels who stand before God

Revisionist History - Moses and Jeremiah said
there would be days like this
Deuteronomy 8
Jeremiah 23


SALVATION! What is needed?

Science - Blinded me - No - He Who Opens the Eyes of the Blind - With Science!!!

Second (3rd or 4th) Rate Seventh Level of Heaven

Seventh Level of Heaven



Time Management

Life and Travels of Paul



The World Changed Rapidly after the first Easter

Trust Him

Uncomfortable Scripture

Video Game Player


Who is like our God?


Works and Grace
Mark 1:4-11 ~ You are my beloved Son; with You I am well pleased


Wrathful, Nasty Old God from the Old Testament


Years - Thousands of Them are Yesterday in His Sight

80 Books of the Bible
Holy Spirit Approved by the First Council Nicaea and St. Nicholas
Included by the Essenes in the Dead Sea Scrolls
Today included by the Catholic Church
God wants to save the world.
The Apocrypha has Purpose; other cultures blend here.

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