Psalm 128
A Song of Ascents.128 Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord,
who walks in his ways!
You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands;
you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with you.
Your wife will be like a fruitful vine
within your house;
your children will be like olive shoots
around your table.
Behold, thus shall the man be blessed
who fears the Lord.
The Lord bless you from Zion!
May you see the prosperity of Jerusalem
all the days of your life!
May you see your children's children!
Peace be upon Israel!
Yesterday I heard the podcasts discussing what family is.
Family is National Government to State Government to City Government.
Family is people we are related to. Oddly if you look in the Bible, rarely do brothers get along.Jacob, the believer that all Children should be blessed, has to really be honest with deceitful Reuben who had pulled hard to save Joseph and then conspired when he thought Joseph was not to be returned. Then having failed to save Joseph, lying, lying, lying Reuben then slept with his father Jacob's concubine. One failure deserves another failure? Right? Jacob then did bless all his sons. Perhaps his only daughter had died by the time of his death. Jacob is unique to believe all should be blessed. God named His Nation after this blessings giver.
(The story of Reuben tells us - to encourage the good in people, have them see their virtues, they know their flaws. Jacob would probably say all people will let you down. Forgiveness matters.)
Family is - Brussels Sprouts. And Chocolate. Chocolate is mostly loved - looks good on Birthday Cakes and almost all foods, and you can put Sprinkles on Chocolate. Brussels Sprouts? Well, if you dress this up and put this on your "Thanksgiving" Table - this is quite the centerpiece.

Who demanded in Family that every doctrine be completely followed by the Head Cheese Opinion?
Let's take the most angry opinionated subject there is
and talk about what Jesus
and Joshua
knew about God and being Centered?
Homosexuality and Family.
One opinion counts and one opinion is to SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN.
One if 5 people have been molested in the United States.
What is being molested?
What if you have recently lost a child and you know two women in your group are gay. Your opinion is, that is their business. And one is ok, the other is actually aware you know and she is always offering opinions that if you fall far enough, you will want to try new options. And she comments on this every time the group gathers. Eventually you are offered a three way. And you decline realizing, this has gone on far enough.
What about getting dressed at a doctor's office and a woman starts stroking your hair and you reply that you are fine getting dressed. The social implication is: Stop. Then you turn to say I am getting dressed. And she, the nurse, states, with inflection: "If you need anything, I am "Gay-le". I was a teenager. In a doctor's office in the nice part of town. Not expecting to be afraid at the doctor's office.
A young college student was told that his parents were Christian haters. He needed to be more kind to gay people. He told his friend, my parents don't hate, and the reply was, "Yes, they are Christian people and bigots called Haters." He replied I don't think so. And was assured this was fact. So the young man adopted more of a friendly attitude towards a co worker who was gay. The gay co worker asked him on a date, and the young college student replied, no he was not gay. He was told by his friend who was assuring him his parents were haters he needed to go to a gay bar and see this is just natural. He did go. He found the attitude to be more intentional than a regular bar and left. His co worker saw him and asked and was told exactly his thought. Asked on a date again and again declined. Later that week, in front of customers, the young college student was pushed up against a cooler pinned held by his hips and the gay co worker mimicked a sexual action for a crowd of about 40 people. The college student was told, "He would learn to be gay."
Our Family has an elderly Gay person in the family. And how does That Relationship Work if you are such a "homophobe". Fine. You love that man, very dearly. And you are his heir and as he dies, you are the one to find the pain medication given. And you honor and cherish his memory.
And then he leaves his roommate behind. And you all become such close friends that as he dies of Throat Cancer in 2001, he calls for you to come to his bedside. And you rush there. Throat Cancer - you read of - is actually a form of STD. How do you know this? From volunteering to talk to people with STD's and unplanned pregnancies for 3.5 years.
What if you grew up next door to two homosexual men for 16 years?
One was friendly.
The other literally growled at the two children next door. Us.
And every Friday night was undress on the patio with the dinner guests. My opinion is that many Homosexual relationships are not monogamous and marriage should be.
My English Teacher in High School was Bill Nelson. Famous for running for Gay Rights for the Dallas City Council. I liked Mr. Nelson very much. I talked to him after class, it was the last class of the day. Mr. Nelson lost his job, was transferred, for having sexual relations with a consenting 18 year old student on the High School Campus. I think that was unwise.
A decade later, I dreamed of Mr. Nelson one night, I dreamed he had Aids. I ran up to him and wept he had Aids. I woke up with tears on my cheeks. And The Dallas Morning News announced that day Bill Nelson had died of Aids. I had not known he had Aids. PBS did a marvelous special interviewing Mr. Nelson's mother - she was very, very real.
Aren't we allowed to be real now,
Or does only One Opinion Count?
Family. Allows what God allows.
This Altar shows The Davidic Line has a New Son. A new King of Kings. And All People Are Welcome At the Table of God. This is Thanksgiving for what GOD has GIVEN.
The Gospels are orderly.
The Gospels are orderly.
Matthew begins with Family. A man accepts an infant as his son. Family blends together in mercy.
Mark begins with a Straight and Honest Path, Subduing a Natural Wilderness. Testing. Prayer. and Healing
Luke 1 is the Miraculous Willingness of God to go many places in Amazing God ways. Fulfilling Promises in His Time.
John begins by seeing the Light of God in all of mankind. John sees Jesus answer prayer and being with the soul praying.
The Book of Acts tells us what happens in 33 A.D. after Jesus was victorious over death. Thousands upon thousands received the grace upon grace of Jesus' Salvation. There was no test. The Word of God says if you call upon the Name of Jesus - you are Saved.
Jesus tells us who is saved - sinners.
3,000 pages of Scriptures assure us - all have fallen. We need Jesus the Lord.
Are we in peril of Christianity Today?
80% of people in the USA report they pray to God and expect Him to Love.
If you ask teenagers, 20s, 30s and 40s if they are Spiritual - many will reply: "Spiritual? NO." Oh, do you believe in God?" "Oh, yes! I thought you meant spirits or something."
How many in our world are Baptized? Many. Most.
Who said this?
And everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved.
Why writing this is that old God of the Old Testament and an old Prophet. (The mean, fierce God was in bad mood times.) Joel 2:32. Jesus liked writing this so much He repeated this much, much later in Romans and Acts.
Acts 2:39
The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off--for all whom the Lord our God will call.
Father God ran to the son coming Home.
1 Timothy 4
10 For to this end we toil and strive, because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe.
Today we have a new way to date.
No one would get married without trying on a new pair of shoes!
The old way = "Her father will kill you."
The new way = more divorce than ever.
Today we have 28 Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Millenniums were 3 STDs.
This century is the bloodiest century we have ever had to do violence and war. We have a new way of looking at human life in many, many areas.
Who said this?
And everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved.
Why writing this is that old God of the Old Testament and an old Prophet. (The mean, fierce God was in bad mood times.) Joel 2:32. Jesus liked writing this so much He repeated this much, much later in Romans and Acts.
Acts 2:39
The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off--for all whom the Lord our God will call.
Father God ran to the son coming Home.
1 Timothy 4
10 For to this end we toil and strive, because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe.
Today we have a new way to date.
No one would get married without trying on a new pair of shoes!
The old way = "Her father will kill you."
The new way = more divorce than ever.
Today we have 28 Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Millenniums were 3 STDs.
This century is the bloodiest century we have ever had to do violence and war. We have a new way of looking at human life in many, many areas.
What you do with your life is your business.
But don't ask me what I think of you, I might not give the answer you want me to.
God never once asked me, or you, to sit in Judgement of what your soul is. Father God sees hearts, I do not see salvation - He does.
What I know I am asked to do, is this:
Give Justice - With Mercy
Walk Humbly with Jesus, because He knows me. And He did so much for me. There is nothing I can do for Father God that He did not provide for me. I want to show my thanks by saying:
God Is Love.
God wants to save - the whole world - through Jesus.
My heart is God's hearth - I say, Welcome Father God, dwell in all of me. And the one's I love. Help this community, Churches, work places, this state and this Nation. All people who call upon Jesus. Amen.
In Optimism I pray:
Our Father, who art in Heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name,
Thy Kingdom come,
Thy Will be done on earth as in Heaven.
Give us this day!
Our daily bread.
Forgive me my sins,
as I forgive those who sin against me,
For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory. Amen In Jesus!
♔ Lord Jesus Saves †
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