John 7:38
“Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said,
rivers of living water will flow from within them.”
Jeremiah 31:23-26
Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: “Once more they shall use these words in the land of Judah and in its cities, when I restore their fortunes:
“‘The Lord bless you, O habitation of righteousness,
O holy hill!’
24 And Judah and all its cities shall dwell there together, and the farmers and those who wander with their flocks. 25 For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish.”
26 At this I awoke and looked, and my sleep was pleasant to me.
Lately, my mind has been thinking about the Scripture telling us:
Psalm 18: 25,26
To the faithful, You show Yourself faithful,
to the blameless
You show Yourself blameless;
to the pure
You show Yourself pure,
but to the crooked
You show Yourself shrewd.
When we look at all of Jeremiah 31, we find seasons of goodness and stress change. Just as the quality of sleep changes in adults. And Jeremiah is the goodness of the fullness of the earth and the years Naomi found famine, yet God gave her a remnant to find His Blessings.
Bishop Sam Hulsey loved to find life with a beautiful lawn and garden, children as they are newly dressed in nice clothes. Writing comfort to a mother who had lost her beloved and treasure daughter because he had grown up with the late child's grandmother. Finding a bereaved parent in a beautiful occasion, to offer comfort again, and then apologizing for bringing up sorrow in the midst of Joy. And instead, Bishop Sam gave Joy always. Bishop Sam's explanation: The words of wrath apply in Scripture, but the sting is meant for those who are, by choice, separated from God. Jesus covers us from wrath and sorrow, bringing His Grace and His mercy.
The Disciples in the Boat felt far beyond overwhelmed, simply terrified. They surely felt abandoned and, with that feeling, wanted Jesus to act in wisdom and not sleep during the storm. They certainly didn't feel God was being wise. And in fact, probably felt the Unfair Judge was ignoring them. Someone took hold of faith in Jesus' Love and Yelled for Help. Jesus surely heard.
We need the explanation of famine.
We need to see the Scriptures address real life and the troubles life has. Yet, we need to be reminded, Grace Overcomes. Only to reach out and ask Jesus with our words and our heart. Given forgiveness to believe.
God gives rest to the weary. His Joy to share the Kingdom of God with us, the Kingdom is at hand.
Abba, Father God,
You are the Way, Truth and Life!
In the footprints of Your Living Word we find this:
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow (all You have Written)
all the days of life,
and we shall dwell in the house of the Lord
You interweave all things for Good.
When we are called according to Your Purpose.
Thank You, Abba, Holy Father, our Father God,
For all Your Word. Great is Your Word.
You are merciful to Your Children, You call Beloved.
From the small blessings to the great ones,
help us to reason to our thanksgiving, being grateful.
Help us to express our gratitude and thanks.
Be our way, truth and Life to let our lives be living
testaments to the Good You have Willingly Given.
We ask you to put the Name of Jesus Christ upon us
Thank You, Abba, Holy Father, our Father God,
For all Your Word. Great is Your Word.
You are merciful to Your Children, You call Beloved.
From the small blessings to the great ones,
help us to reason to our thanksgiving, being grateful.
Help us to express our gratitude and thanks.
Be our way, truth and Life to let our lives be living
testaments to the Good You have Willingly Given.
We ask you to put the Name of Jesus Christ upon us
we are Blessed of God.
Jesus Christ, pray for us, Speak Your Word,
Jesus Christ, pray for us, Speak Your Word,
bring more Heaven to earth.
To Rejoice in all of Your world.
We ask Your Abundant and Flowing Blessings upon us.
Keep us safe from disasters, quieten storms and keep the Oceans safe.
Help us to seek You first and Your Kingdom.
To Live Love, Joy and Peace. Uphold those we Love. We Trust You.
We ask for the world's complete recovery and Joy in Recovery.
To Rejoice in all of Your world.
We ask Your Abundant and Flowing Blessings upon us.
Keep us safe from disasters, quieten storms and keep the Oceans safe.
Help us to seek You first and Your Kingdom.
To Live Love, Joy and Peace. Uphold those we Love. We Trust You.
We ask for the world's complete recovery and Joy in Recovery.
We pray for Your Healing Word to be Spoken.
Jesus Son of God Himself Bless, Sustain, Comfort, Guide
this Nation in wisdom
and in all justice.
End the horror of injustice
and lack of solutions
We look to Your favor and Mercy upon us
in Jesus.
Help us to act with mercy and wisdom.
Jesus Christ Live in us. Amen!

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