Reading Scripture helps us know God's Love. Every Bible verse is written for you. Jesus Christ is all mankind's Light. John 1!

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Genesis 49:29-50:14 ~ beyond the Jordan


Genesis 46:1

 So Israel took his journey with all that he had

Jacob's (Israel) Back to Hebron. Watercolor painted by James Tissot.
Jacob has been mummified.

Genesis 49:29-50:14

Genesis 49:29-50:14

Then he commanded them and said to them,
 "I am to be gathered to my people; bury me with my fathers in the cave that is in the field of Ephron the Hittite, 30 in the cave that is in the field at Machpelah, to the east of Mamre, in the land of Canaan, which Abraham bought with the field from Ephron the Hittite to possess as a burying place. 

31 There they buried Abraham and Sarah his wife. There they buried Isaac and Rebekah his wife, and there I buried Leah— 32 the field and the cave that is in it were bought from the Hittites." 33 When Jacob finished commanding his sons, he drew up his feet into the bed and breathed his last and was gathered to his people.

Genesis 50

1 Then Joseph fell on his father’s face and wept over him and kissed him. 

2 And Joseph commanded his servants the physicians to embalm his father. So the physicians embalmed Israel. 3 Forty days were required for it, for that is how many are required for embalming. And the Egyptians wept for him seventy days.

4 And when the days of weeping for him were past, Joseph spoke to the household of Pharaoh, saying, 

"If now I have found favor in your eyes, please speak in the ears of Pharaoh, saying, 5 My father made me swear, saying, 'I am about to die: in my tomb that I hewed out for myself in the land of Canaan, there shall you bury me.' Now therefore, let me please go up and bury my father. Then I will return." And Pharaoh answered, "Go up, and bury your father, as he made you swear."

Jacob, now embalmed for 40 days Egyptian style, surprises the future Nation of Israel arriving in Hebron with the incredible return, to be entombed.

So Joseph went up to bury his father. With him went up all the servants of Pharaoh, the elders of his household, and all the elders of the land of Egypt, as well as all the household of Joseph, his brothers, and his father’s household. Only their children, their flocks, and their herds were left in the land of Goshen. And there went up with him both chariots and horsemen. It was a very great company.

10 When they came to the threshing floor of Atad, which is beyond the Jordan, they lamented there with a very great and grievous lamentation, and he made a mourning for his father seven days. 11 When the inhabitants of the land, the Canaanites, saw the mourning on the threshing floor of Atad, they said, "This is a grievous mourning by the Egyptians." Therefore the place was named Abel-mizraim [mourning (or meadowof Egypt]; it is beyond the Jordan.

12 Thus his sons did for him as he had commanded them, 13 for his sons carried him to the land of Canaan and buried him in the cave of the field at Machpelah, to the east of Mamre, which Abraham bought with the field from Ephron the Hittite to possess as a burying place. 14 After he had buried his father, Joseph returned to Egypt with his brothers and all who had gone up with him to bury his father.

A man who wrestled with God, Jacob, wanted a blessing. Jacob should really, really, really, really, Really not have been named Israel. The man wrestled with God. So wrong. Look at Isaac and Rebekah. Prophetic child, prophetic marriage, blessed with twins. No concubines, no slaves told to bear children. Why isn't Israel Isaac instead of Jacob. Seems a reasonable question.

God felt Jacob was more interested in Him and in Blessing his children and grandchildren. Not just keeping the blessing to one son. Jacob felt he could make God's blessing go farther. More Love than the parents, who were uptight and critical.  Sarcasm and unreasonable, lack of love and gracious direction sounds unreasonable isn't a sign of the Holy Spirit. Ignoring children to favor others. Well... we digress into all are flawed.

Sincere fight for faith: Jacob went out as a great man. His funeral astonishing the people, his neighbors in Hebron, he left during famine.

Proverbs 16:7
When a man’s ways please the LORD,
 he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.

An odd Scripture verse for Jacob and yet, in the Love, Mercy and Graciousness of God, we could say this of Jacob.

What is the fruit of Jacob's life today? So Very Much.

His tomb is the "second holiest site" for Jews (after the Temple Mount) and Christians and Muslims. All these faiths say by tradition the Cave of the Patriarchs is the burial place of three biblical couples: Abraham and Sarah; Isaac and Rebecca; Jacob and Leah.

Speaking of Genesis and Tombs... 

Let's talk about the Reality of 2022 Halloween Season.  

Today, the News showed photos of what looked like candy and is actually deadly Fentanyl.

Why should we scare the United States 
Population of 332, 403, 650 million people
talking about the overdose of 91,000 people.  Seems unreasonable.

What is frightening is an invasion on even casual opioid use.

Deaths involving synthetic opioid
Fentanyl was involved in 82% of all opioid-involved deaths. 

The movie, "Kingsman: Golden Circle"  has an element of truth in the mixture.

When the Borders open like Genesis 46-49, there will be adjustments, especially when the Law has to catch up from being held back.

Halloween 2022 is a time to talk to the children, teenagers, college students and
those who use opioids by trick and in casual use. It's too easy to squeeze this into the mix. Fentanyl is easy to make and transport. 

This is a good year to examine your area and maybe use Trick or Trunk. 
Explaining most people are honest. But things are floating around until Security is approved again. Eat from people you know. Avoid Drugs.

Vote accordingly.

When the Chinese historically decided to get rid of Opium Addiction. It was a literal war, Opium War, Opium Dens were burned down. It's remarkable, thought provoking, the Fentanyl ingredients have been something the Chinese, today, have been battling. Fentanyl spread to Central America. 

Jacob faced so many off-topic situations in life. 
Theft. Family abuse. Flight and hide from Family. Abuse of employment by Family. Seeing gods worshiped. Multiple marriage. Enslaving slaves to have children. Fear of being killed by cheated brother. Starvation. Child death. Being conned. Leaving the Promised Land.

Jacob is an astonishing person to be held as Biblical Standards. And in this story, Jacob we see was depressed. Lack of Hope. Fearful. Cheated. Pressed. Starved. Poor. And the door was opened to him by God The Almighty. If Jacob can be God's Chosen, so can anyone needing help.  We need to speak to each other and allow the truth to be merciful.

Speaking the Truth is a Blessing. When spoken Mercifully. 

One of the major reasons for sobriety: We have to think past painful events in life and have all our brains to understand the hidden hope and solutions. To tell someone you love them in the honest conditions of life, is a little risky, but worth the potential harm and the potential gain.

Ephesians 4:13-16

13 until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, 14 so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. 

15 Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, 16 from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, 
makes the body grow so that it 
builds itself up in love.

Friends don't let Friends fall into Fentanyl

If I were to be honest about my fear about our culture, I would be concerned we feel strong to be hateful and judgmental. Judgmental about goodness, about politics. I'm concerned about the loss of goodness and labeling of falseness as goodness. I'm concerned about the systems we trusted breaking down. Concerned, we are people without gift shops. We don't feel we can gift because we might need to pay for healthcare or bills.  I don't see any organization or system that isn't struggling or pretense. 

We have to speak up and speak with compassion.

Do I believe we will recover? Yes, I do. We have to believe God helps us. Believe in the best of each other. Ask each other for better goodness. 

Go where Love is possible.  Expect to be well treated and treat one another well. Speak up, with compassion. Be prepared to make changes to be within the lanes of Love. Signal as you change lanes. 

We used to go to a restaurant where the waiters were just jerks. And it became difficult to even get a glass of water. It became obvious to the owners, this wasn't service. And now this is one of our favorite places to go. 


Joy to read the Brothers of Jesus Christ. We find Your Words taught to us, Your Family.

Jude 1:2
Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance.

Joy to read John the Beloved Disciple living into the 2nd Century in endurance and Love.

John 20:21
Again Jesus said,
 "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you."

We ask You to Dwell in us.
And in Your Love and Mercy to be displayed and a True Peace,
we pray to un-learn the art of not being seen.

Hebrews 12:14
Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; 
without holiness no one will see the Lord.

We pray to be the Helper in ending The Great Cold, this Virus Recovery.
To persevere, to encourage, to be merciful, to be Truth.
In Lovely circumstance, in distance circumstance, in times of unequal blessings
a real part of the ups and downs of life, and in great discomfort -
to find real Brotherhood

Timothy 1:2
To Timothy, my dear son: 
Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.

James 2
Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in shabby clothes also comes in. 3 If you lavish attention on the man in fine clothes and say, “ Here is a seat of honor, but say to the poor man, “You must stand or “Sit at my feet, have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?

Hebrews 13:2
Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: 
for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

Pursuit what is Good.
Disregard what is unnecessary. Look to what is Good.

Be Genuine. Love what is Good.

2 Corinthians 8:9
For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, 
though He was rich, yet for your sakes
He became poor, that ye through His poverty might become rich.

Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! 
How unsearchable are His judgments and how inscrutable His ways! 
For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. 
To Him be glory forever.

We will take the strength of God and find:

Father in Your Strength,
we will find More Heaven on earth and
see You first.

We will place those we love confidently in Jesus Christ.

Dwell in us, we ask in the Highest Name of Jesus for Your Help.

Jesus help us in this Nation to be in Your Word and more Joyful.
Covered in God's Love,
All 50 Governors and Legislatures.
The end of divisions.

We pray with all the States for
God's Blessings and for Florida facing Hurricane.
Kentucky in Recovery of Flood.
Texas, Arizona and New Mexico in drought.

We ask Your Path encourage us to find You.

Covered in the Love, Mercy 
and Name of Jesus.

Luke 10:21-24 ~ In that same hour He rejoiced in the Holy Spirit

Imagine the first week after the first Easter, where the Parables of Jesus were explained as His Glory is Revealed. Death cannot hold Jesus the Lord.

David believed God and
walked in the ways and
horrible circumstance
God Gave him.

Luke 10:21-24

In that same hour He rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said, 
“I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children; yes, Father, for such was your gracious will. 

22 All things have been handed over to me by my Father, and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, or who the Father is except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.” 

23 Then turning to the disciples He said privately,
 “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see! 24 For I tell you that many prophets and kings desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.”

Remember with me, Jesus did not explain the parables to the crowd. Jesus explained His Parables to His Disciples. Multitudes and multitudes came to the Temple - Josephus said this would be 1.2 million people based upon the average Holy Day Attendance in the Temple in Jerusalem.

Imagine, after the Easter of Jesus' Triumph -  the crowds learning there was far more to Jesus than free bread and fish.

Isaiah 30:18
Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!

The multitudes were learning this as the Generation of Jesus.

Isaiah 65:23
They will not toil in vain or bear children doomed to misfortune; for they will be a people blessed by the LORD, they and their descendants with them.

Matthew 16:16,17
Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven."

Christianity isn't a religion; it is a relationship. 

Christianity is not a philosophy; its approach to life is concrete. Something to hold on, not forsake all day, every day. Jesus tells us to Love. To be wise. To live in His Commandments. Honor God first with your thoughts, works and actions. 

When Jesus was born, the angels didn't send out a Coca-Cola commercial guaranteed to make us feel good. It wasn't like a Christmas card saying," Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men."

No, what the angels said, as messengers of God Almighty, was:

Luke 2:14
Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace among men 
in whom He is well pleased.

How did Abraham please God?

Romans 4:2-4 (New American Standard Bible)
For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about, but not before God. For what does the Scripture say? "ABRAHAM BELIEVED GOD, AND IT WAS CREDITED TO HIM AS RIGHTEOUSNESS."

Romans 10:9 
That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Faith made Abraham the pick of God. Belief. 

Abraham got on his feet and he went. He expected God to be good and he argued with God for other people to be allowed to live. He argued with God to bless his illegitimate son. Abraham was one who believed God was so large He could bless everyone - rather like Jacob! Jacob to take his blessing and then return the blessing to all his sons and a few of his grandsons.

“Blessed are the eyes that see what you see! For I tell you that many prophets and kings desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.”

Consider the shepherds,
called forth by God, they heard the message and what did they do? Why are these characters in the field chosen?

Luke 2

14 “Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!”

15 When the angels went away from them into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let us go over to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has made known to us.” 16 And they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in a manger. 17 And when they saw it, they made known the saying that had been told them concerning this child."

We who grew up with the Bible knew of God's abundant love for a shepherd boy overlooked by his own father. A boy who defended sheep. And thought so much of an anointing of God that a child stepped up to kill a warrior giant. Who fled a jealous king to become a mercenary.  Still trying to find the Holy path as he lived in a ditch.

Acts 13:22
And when he had removed him, he raised up David to be their king, of whom he testified and said, ‘I have found in David the son of Jesse a man after my heart, who will do all my will.


You have given us Jesus. Jesus is Love. Dwell in me.
Help us find You first. Seek You first.
And finish well in Jesus Christ.

Father God, Thank You for Your Steadfast Love. Bless the People who Love.
In Jesus. Amen.

This Pandemic and Recovery has the whole world wondering if we have all the news. 
If the Rainbow Promise of Noah remains. And we all have an idea Your Word is Good yesterday, today and tomorrow.

We'd like the Light of the world in mankind to touch Your Heart and have this Recovery time and this illness to be gone. Healed. 
We would like Your Word to be Spoken, "He Healed Them All."

You have given us wonderful and sincere prayer of Jesus saying more Heaven on this earth. We would love to see more of Your Kingdom, Your Power and Your Glory. We would like to pray this with "Give us this day."

And we'd love to pray so effectively, we wouldn't look back and say, "If only we had understood more of Your Plan to enfold in our Prayer." 
You know Your Hope and Future for us better than we do.

We would cover what lacks in this prayer, with Your Favorite Word: Jesus.

Jesus, Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God pray for us now and always. Amen.

The Dove was sent forth
believing God 
would fulfill His Word.
His Goodness.
God's Faithfulness.
Abba, Daddy. 

God reminds us
Blessing us with prayers for more Heaven on earth,
His Good Will be done.

His Word upholds the Universe.

To You, our Father, be the Glory
Our God is an Awesome God! Amen
and Alleluia
in Jesus Christ and His Glory!

♔ Lord Jesus Saves †

Friday, September 23, 2022

Ezekiel 1:1-14 ~ likeness †


Ezekiel 1:1-14

The Second Exodus was the Emperors who 
were exploring Human Rights.
570 BC

In the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, on the fifth day of the month, as I was among the exiles by the Chebar canal, the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God. 

2 On the fifth day of the month (it was the fifth year of the exile of King Jehoiachin), 3 the word of the Lord came to Ezekiel the priest, the son of Buzi, in the land of the Chaldeans by the Chebar canal, and the hand of the Lord was upon him there.

4 As I looked, behold, a stormy wind came out of the north, and a great cloud, with brightness around it, and fire flashing forth continually, and in the midst of the fire, as it were gleaming metal [amber]. 

5 And from the midst of it came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance: they had a human likeness, 6 but each had four faces, and each of them had four wings. 7 Their legs were straight, and the soles of their feet were like the sole of a calf's foot. And they sparkled like burnished bronze. 8 Under their wings on their four sides they had human hands. And the four had their faces and their wings thus: 9 their wings touched one another. Each one of them went straight forward, without turning as they went. 

10 As for the likeness of their faces, each had a human face. The four had the face of a lion on the right side, the four had the face of an ox on the left side, and the four had the face of an eagle. 11 Such were their faces. And their wings were spread out above. Each creature had two wings, each of which touched the wing of another, while two covered their bodies.

12 And each went straight forward. Wherever the spirit would go, they went, without turning as they went. 13 As for the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like burning coals of fire, like the appearance of torches moving to and fro among the living creatures. And the fire was bright, and out of the fire went forth lightning. 14 And the living creatures darted to and fro, like the appearance of a flash of lightning.

As I sit down to think about Ezekiel's vision of the angels surrounding the Most High God, it is a overwhelming to me. I know my minister has heard the voice of God on rare occasions.

Galatians 6:9

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

I have a great-aunt by marriage, Clarice. She lives in heaven now, but she was such a wonderful woman. Laughter, love and straight talk were a large part of Clarice’s life. My youngest great-uncle used to tease Clarice and say, “I have 12 brothers and sisters. 6 are Baptist and 6 are Christian.” Then, he’d look to Clarice, to her reaction. He enjoyed that old joke around her all the time.

Clarice wanted to have children, but her husband was chronically ill and they never conceived. He didn’t live to be old, but Clarice really did live to be old and she had a wonderful life filled with good choices. Clarice did not grow bitter, but blessed and busy. Clarice never lacked for children, she and Walton had a long hallway covered with photos of nieces and nephews. I believe Clarice was as close to a saint as I’ve ever met. She spoke her mind & her paths were straight. She was an irritant to the less well behaved cousins.

Clarice believed in disciple-ship as she took in a troubled nephew, so a young man who couldn’t obtain a high school diploma in the bigger city, could graduate from her small town with the help of the local principal and Clarice’s encouragement. He lived with her for a year. Many nieces and nephews went to college because they had an Aunt Clarice.

When one of the wealthy brother-in-laws became immersed in an East Texas shady charlatan using religion for money, the youngest brother-in-law went to get Clarice and get him out of there. Clarice, when asked, cried, “Why me?” She was assured she was the one to be relied upon to free the uncle. So, she and the youngest brother, went on a long car trip that very day and brought back the relieved uncle. :)

Because of Clarice, young women in the family had beautiful wedding receptions. Newlyweds were given new living room furniture. Sisters lived on the four corners of the same street and ran a dress shop together, owned and worked in by Clarice. As I go along in life, I am encouraged by her memory, her love for the Lord and the joy she gave and received.

I have one more favorite and precious memory of Aunt Clarice. She was ill and having hospice care for her. What was supposed to be weeks, turned into months as Aunt Clarice was in a coma. I sent her a letter for her next-door sisters to read to her - a thank you for the many kind things she'd done for my mother, uncle and family. I loved her. One night, no one had reported Aunt Clarice was any closer to dying, about 2 or 3 in the morning - I sat up in tears from sleep. I could feel Aunt Clarice's soul going to heaven - the joy she felt couldn't be compared to a wedding day or winning the lottery - the joy of discovering all of God's promises were true. Jesus Christ and His Kingdom were in front of her forever. The next morning, the call came Aunt Clarice had, in truth, passed on.

When my grandmother died, I was just completely at a loss. I really could not imagine life without Grandmother. And one of my family, told me she always dreamed of Tate - our Episcopal Priest Grandfather - often. And I decided this would happen with Grandmother. I was rewarded for my faith. Sometimes I dreamed knowing Grandmother was just, only, in my dream. Just a dream. And other times still live clearly in my memories, like it was yesterday - where Grandmother and I have conversations. In Heaven. And sometimes on earth. And sometimes with my father. The dreams have fruit. The Love and Joy and Peace of the Holy Spirit. Intact and instant clarity. And I realized - how - Fulfilled my Grandmother Is. I never realized how unfulfilled she was

Grandmother Bit is now well and perfectly fulfilled even far and away above the photos of the Roses. Father God has met and Loved her every need. Augusta Elliott Wilson Anderson Young - Grandmother Bit - is now perfectly fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

And the truth is - Grandmother is more fully filled than some of the other people I have seen in Heaven. I very firmly believe in the 7 levels of Heaven. I have no idea which level Grandmother is - but, I'd say it's Lovely.

And therefore, with firm permanence - I believe seeking the Lord God, Jesus and their Love - plus explaining about this almost beyond Imagining Love - establishes us in the Levels of Heaven.

You may not believe as I do. This fact is once in the Bible and this is my opinion. I believe in our gifts and talents being given with great Love to Jesus. I'm comfortable if this is not your belief. I believe this to be a Glory and not a burden or unpleasantness. I believe this is Beautiful.

Several years back, I went to hear a healer pray over us. Father Mike Endicott is from the U.K. and he spoke of earnestly begging God for his flock, for 35 years, to have a crumb of God's glory on pretty common and pretty severe situations in life. Begging God to relent of crushing problems. And, one cold night, Father Mike had a vision of Light spilling through the stained glass window. And the Voice of Father of All. And He said, "Mike, do you feed my sheep?" Yes, Lord God, I try. "Yes, you do." And His Voice continued, "Mike, do you believe that I am a Good Father?" The priest replied with more automation than conviction and said, with a touch of earnestness, he did believe God was a Good Father.

Father God said to Mike, "Then Pray believing I have a Plan and a Hope and Future for all of My Children." And Father Mike became a healer because Miracles began to happen left and right. To believe God is a Good and Willing Father.

 To believe in the Willingness of  a Good Father.  And still,  yesterday, today and tomorrow only Jesus Christ Heals all.

When we ask believers if they have had dreams of Heaven, so many have. There are many
who have something interesting to say.

The movie, "Father Stu" is well worth seeing. Beautiful. Faithful when he had to return home and live without any of his dreams. God honored his faith!

 Abba, Father

Deuteronomy 31:8
It is the Lord who goes before you.
He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. 
Do not fear or be dismayed.

Help us to pray,
 knowing You dwell within us. 
You've said as we pray, 
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. 
You are here.

We will never ascend to be God. You alone are God. 
And in Your Goodness, for there to be relationship, 
You choose to dwell among mankind. 
You are the Light in all of mankind.

Keep us keep alert 
help our days to please You. 

We lift up the real prayer concerns of the ones we love. 

Thanking You for listening and acting upon Your Word. 
You work all things for good, for those who Love the Lord.

We pray for the encouragement in our 
to be and find goodness.
To put our eyes on Love, Faith and Encouragement.

Help us to Seek You First
And in Jesus Christ, we will know we will finish well.

 Thank You Father we entrust the ones we love to you, 
the people You have Given.

♔ Lord Jesus Saves †

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We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He has saved all who call upon His name and rely on Him for His Grace. The Scriptures are living & active and are for understanding the Lord Almighty. Biblical readings are chosen from the Ecumenical Christian Church and the Nicene Council, 325 A.D., approved Apocrypha. People remember not just from reading, but by sight and orally- an image has been added as well as audio readings. God tends to link the passages together with fascinates - this blogger, Anne-Laurel Gardere

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This blog is pretty simple, but for a reason. This blog isn't about agenda or me, it is for the joy and love to found by reading the Scriptures. Ultimately, it is you and the Lord.

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New Posts by Subject Matter


The World Changed Rapidly after the first Easter

Our God of All

Posts by Subject Matter

Blessings, Anne-Laurel

Who Jesus Is
1 Timothy 1:1-11 ~ God our Savior, and Lord Jesus Christ, which is our hope
Matthew 16:13-20 ~ who do people say the Son of Man is?

Good News for us to remember and Think Upon
Animals are found in Heaven ~ 6 Prophets See Animals in Heaven

Anger, Jealousy=Trouble

The Bible explains the Bible, Prophetically

Bible - in your hand, today

Bible Accuracy


Blessing our Father God

Blessing - unaware


Christmas - His Word Upholds the Universe - December 25th

Psalm 135 ~ who is in your midst
John 1:1-14, 16, 29-51 ~ He was in the world

Details - Putting it all together and discovering it is about God

Psalm 108 ~ In triumph I will parcel out Shechem

Determine your own path, just love Him

Judges 16 ~ like any other man
John 4:43-54 ~ Doing what Jesus says


Every Day, Still Today
Today, Yesterday, Tomorrow

Exodus - History

Heavenly Hosts
His Messengers of Light

Elements of Nature Displaying HIS Glory
Exodus 40:16-38 ~ In the first month in the second year, on the first day of the month, the tabernacle was erected.

I Decide What is Right and Wrong - God noticed this in the Garden of Eden from Eve

Individualism and Groups

It's the End of the World as We Know it, And I Feel Fine. (One of our most read posts.)
Grandpa - The Bible is Really the Life Story of People and
their Abba

Gates of Heaven

Gifts of God, all of us

Giving - God certainly is


God sees His Creation as Good!!!


Good Friday




Grief, Forgiveness, Homecoming

Hated Emotion - Fear

History - Is There History Showing Jesus was Alive - VERY EXTENSIVE HISTORY


Holy Spirit ~ Manifestations

Homeward Bound, still a sojourner

Honey, Do this

John 3:31-36 ~ that God is true

Israel - Destroyed Completely and Rebuilt. A sign of Jesus. Existing today.

Jesus clearly put a Foundation for His Resurrection to be Believed by the Multitudes of all of Israel and the Nations

Jesus and His Childhood Privacy
Nazareth - What Jesus did See Growing Up

John the Beloved Disciple

The Journey of Joseph

Live It
Psalm 117 ~ Praise the Lord
Psalm 82 ~ rescue the weak and the needy
2 Samuel 4:1-12 ~ David answered
Hebrews 12 ~ Thankful
Psalm 31:3-8,17-21 ~ Thou hast redeemed me
Isaiah 40:1-11 ~ His reward is with Him
Matthew 13:31-32 ~ the birds of the air come and perch in its branches
Matthew 6:25-34 ~ your heavenly Father knows that you need
Luke 11:29-32 ~ Rise up
Psalm 126 ~ shouts of joy, bringing his sheaves
Luke 14:15-24 ~ there is still room
Joshua 1:1-9 ~ I am giving
Acts 5 ~ speak in the name of Jesus
John 1 ~ the Light shines
John 3:5-8 ~ born again
~ they went on from there and passed through Galilee
Judges 20 ~ Israel

Losing a Loved One - Passing ON

Revelation 21:22-27 ~ those who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life

Not Being Tossed Back and Forth with Emotion
Ephesians 4 ~ speaking the truth in Love

Romans 7:1-12 ~ bear fruit for God
1 Corinthians 7 ~ For the unbelieving husband is made holy because of his wife, and the unbelieving wife is made holy because of her husband
Genesis 37:12-24 ~ when Reuben
Psalm 143 ~ Your steadfast love
Psalm 86 ~ For great is your steadfast love

Media... taking it down the path
1 Corinthians 10 ~ Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God

Mercy, an Inseparable Component of Truth
Matthew 23:23-26 ~ clean
1 Samuel 12 ~ serve the Lord with all your heart
Matthew 22:34-40 ~ The great and first commandment. And a second is like it

Job 38 ~ Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding.
Psalm 19 ~ the heavens declare the glory of God
2 Kings 5:1-15 ~ a mighty man of valor, but he was a leper
1 Chronicles 13 ~ the Lord blessed the household of Obed-edom


Pharisee ~ Religion
Luke 11:42-46 ~ Woe to you Pharisees!

Pictorial Images of the 12 Tribes of Israel

Picture It

Overcoming, with God's help!

Positive Attitude in Trouble

Prophets - the Law and the Old Men in Robes or People who Love the Lord. Flaws and Virtues. What They Sought in the Lord and What Drew Them to Him.



Psalm 91 ~ Prayer is always heard, God has an open door policy

Prayer Needs

Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words


Prosperity Gospel

Repeat and Repeat



Revelation 8:2
Seven Angels who stand before God

Revisionist History - Moses and Jeremiah said
there would be days like this
Deuteronomy 8
Jeremiah 23


SALVATION! What is needed?

Science - Blinded me - No - He Who Opens the Eyes of the Blind - With Science!!!

Second (3rd or 4th) Rate Seventh Level of Heaven

Seventh Level of Heaven



Time Management

Life and Travels of Paul



The World Changed Rapidly after the first Easter

Trust Him

Uncomfortable Scripture

Video Game Player


Who is like our God?


Works and Grace
Mark 1:4-11 ~ You are my beloved Son; with You I am well pleased


Wrathful, Nasty Old God from the Old Testament


Years - Thousands of Them are Yesterday in His Sight

80 Books of the Bible
Holy Spirit Approved by the First Council Nicaea and St. Nicholas
Included by the Essenes in the Dead Sea Scrolls
Today included by the Catholic Church
God wants to save the world.
The Apocrypha has Purpose; other cultures blend here.

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