Luke 2:16-17
16 Then Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, became furious, and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under, according to the time that he had ascertained from the wise men. 17 Then was fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet Jeremiah: 18 "A voice was heard in Ramah, weeping and loud lamentation, Rachel weeping for her children; she refused to be comforted, because they are no more."
Macrobius, AD 400, pagan historian in Rome - in his book, Saturnalia: “When it was heard that, as part of the slaughter of boys up to two years old, Herod, king of the Jews, had ordered his own son to be killed, Emperor Augustus remarked, ‘It is better to be Herod’s pig than his son’” (2.4.11; cited in Brown 1993:226). Macrobius may have garbled historical fact, but he has given us a key as well. If he was referring to the death of Antipater in 4 BC, the slaughter of the Innocents would have been included in the last, if not the last, brutal killings of Herod before he died. The word-play in the Augustus quote - “pig” and “son” are similar sounding words in Greek. Herod would not kill a pig because he kept kosher, at least among the Jews; yet he had no qualms killing his own sons. Other Historians believe in Herod's last purge - this is the correct time frame.
Based upon Bethlehem being about 300 people total population - the number of deaths of baby boys would be low. Josephus got some of his information from Nicolas of Damascus who was Herod the Greats friend and personal historian. Nicolas may not have recorded such a terrible deed so as not to blacken the reputation of his friend any more than he had too (Brown 1993:226, footnote 34). Josephus might also have considered the death of 4 to 6 babies and inconsequential compared to many great atrocities of Herod.
The Scriptures are real. The time frame of the Magi being much later - makes sense. The Magi are not directed to a barn or manger - instead they record going to a house where the Holy Family was dwelling. Luke 2:11.
Why would we include this in Christmas. A blessing of God comes with no ...
James 1:17
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.
We ponder as we live a very different and blessed world of 2017 A.D. millenniums after Jesus if we are blessed.
And then the criticisms of the Bible we are familiar with -
Did Augustus call for an accounting - this is a no brainer - Augustus was the chief census taker, twice, of the entire Empire for this reason: before he attained power to end the soldiers being unpaid and Civil War imminent - Augustus promised taxation to fix these problems. Of then entire Empire.
Were there really slaughter of innocents. Yes. We do have history. Well... that's not enough to be an important slaughter. What a tacky criticism. The death of one child is important. Why would God allow this? This is a terrible god. Wow - the argument goes any which way. There is no real way to fight the mercurial. No point in trying. Allow God to work His Love and ways with those never pleased. God is certainly fully able to deal with all souls. Allow God to be God Almighty. Jesus told the man who was healed twice of Blindness - the man who saw men walking as Trees - before Jesus healed again - told him to stay out of the Village. We stay out of arguments where there is no conviction. And say, "God knows. God is Love."
Taking the questions of the believing is far easier.
Why would God want or allow Herod to kill following the Good News? Free Will. Luke 3 tells us right after Holy Works of God - there is always fall out with those wanting the status quo of their own power. Jesus said the Kingdom of Heaven is always facing being seized with power. Referring to John the Baptist. And ways of Scripture and history.
What happened to the Blessing?
... What happened to the Blessing? You are kidding me. Jesus is Life. Eternity. Love. Faith comes from living through the tragic and hard parts of life to find we have the ability to present our souls to Father God. I've lived through infant death of my daughter Isabelle. Faith is a test of life for us all. At some point, we will all face events to test and trouble us. Happiness will define us. So will trouble.
How can this be a Blessing if trouble happens?
Mercy. Low low numbers of harm. The Scriptures tell us a remnant will endure. We can hold forth the belief - children escaped.
Jesus tells us Trouble is a certainty of life. And Jesus says He will overcome.
John 16:33
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
Jesus went on to say Days may come. He was saying where we want to Live is Jesus truth and grace upon grace - living this minute with us.
When we live Christmas in our hearts, we deal with Realism.
Fake Christmas is always jolly. Real Christmas is the Holy Family Mary, Joseph, brothers and sisters (and Mary's sister) found the blessing of real emotion and years of loyalty and in difficulty and endurance, real emotion and real love is the reward. Real Christmas is Bishop Nicholas of Myra was imprisoned and maintained faith. Bravery to cross the ocean - perilous as recorded by Paul in the New Testament twice. Courageous to go to a New Emperor when the Old Emperor promised to take Bishop Nicholas' life. Santa Claus. Nicholas endured in his faith.
The Blessing of Good News is Blessing. All things work together for good for those who Love the Lord and Work according to HIS Purpose. We see the Blessing as the years go forth. Psalm 136 is the most repetitious of the Bible 26 Times we find Father God records His Love is Steadfast and Enduring.
We ask You for Your Blessing each day. This conversation is Father God to me. And we put our faith and trust, personally into Jesus. Jesus reveals the exact nature of God.
We believe the Magi, individually are Your Children. We believe Rachel of Ramah is Your Child. We believe this: "Father God - I am important to You. Beloved of God Himself."
And as we put this Love in our hearts for You, Abba, we confidently are with You in Heaven and here. Abba's Holy Spirit dwells in me.
Abba, I trust You to lift up those I love. I trust You with my cares. I trust You to Love the people You have given me. I am helped and I dwell secure with You. I lift up my Church, workplace, Community, school and Nation. Believing Your Love is in mankind by the Love in the Holy Spirit and our world is helped by You. Help me to do well with my opportunities for more Heaven on earth. Your Good works given to me to walk in. I believe in the Salvation of Your Love for us in Jesus. Christmas realities in my heart every day. Alleluia in Jesus Christ. Your Word is Truth and Your Will is Good. Alleluia Jesus. Amen.
♔ Lord Jesus Saves †
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