Psalm 130
A Song of Ascents.
1 Out of the depths I cry to you, O LORD!
2 O Lord, hear my voice!
Let your ears be attentive
to the voice of my pleas for mercy!
3 If you, O LORD, should mark iniquities,
O Lord, who could stand?
4 But with you there is forgiveness,
that you may be feared.
5 I wait for the LORD, my soul waits,
and in his word I hope;
6 my soul waits for the Lord
more than watchmen for the morning,
more than watchmen for the morning.
7 O Israel, hope in the LORD!
For with the LORD there is steadfast love,
and with him is plentiful redemption.
8 And he will redeem Israel
from all his iniquities.
Hoonah, Alaska Zipline pronounces easily like Tuna - Hoonah. HURRAY. Really.
Faster than the 55 mph speed limit. Leaping in height above the Empire State Building. Is a life-long memory blessing. This is one of the 5 summer days with Sunshine. Thank Jesus.
Amazing and enduring 150 year old trees.
And this leads us to a Biblical Question.
Why would we Fear God in verse 4 for being forgiving?
Because the soothing phrase, "It's All Good" is just a little too sweet to be real.
If you drive across Rocky Mountain National Forest at 14,400 feet - people discuss more than the bald tops of majestic mountains. It's the tangible fear some people have. You could cough and, oops, drive off. Past the thin little sticks showing snowmobiles the edge. About a minute and a half to splatter.
Oops, there is a mountain goat. 1.5 minutes.
Your driver fell asleep. 1.5 minutes, get it together.
The oncoming driver fell asleep. 1.5 minutes.
The oncoming driver has heart attack. 1.5 minutes.
An RV lost brakes. 1.5 minutes.
The road looked stable, but the tiny little stick fell too. 1.5 minutes.
Oops blowout. 1.5 minutes.
Bad brake job. Your's, mine, other - 1.5 minutes.
Avalanche. Snow, rock, torrential rain. 1.5 minutes.
Argument over car stereo. 1.5 minutes.
Mom, he hit me with the tennis racket. 1.5 minutes.
Deadly fart argument, all roll down windows. 1.5 minutes.
I have a tan. 1.5 minutes.
It spilled on the new car seat. 1.5 minutes.
I dropped the cigarette - about 10 minutes ago - problem. 1.5 minutes
Does that cloud look like Uncle Roy. 1.5 minutes.
Is that our neighbor in the other car? 1.5 minutes.
Look all the license plates are out of state plates. 1.5 minutes.
Feel free to add on Worst Case Scenarios. I feel the need for massive 3 foot rock walls along the Rocky Mountain National Park. Yellowstone - you too. Somehow little sticks do not reassure me. Snowmobile - is that an icy part. Runnnmmm... 1.5 minutes.
I typically opt to be the passenger and do not open eyes much. Asking to drive on the solid yellow line and not stay in the lane unless necessary. We always stay in the lane. I nap.
There is a variable to the outcome. The variation is human in origin. Lives hang in the balance. I have fear.
Now put me on a train called White Pass Settlement. Trail of 98. 3,000 dead horses. Announce to me the two modern train engines and one hundred 100 year old metal train passenger cars are going 3,000 feet up to cross a wooden timber bridge - I can hang out with the bravest.
Today, put me on the world's longest zip line. 40 minutes to climb the Hoonah, Icy Strait, Alaska mountain. 90 seconds to descend 60 mph and I have a great time. The outcome is not really going to have variation. It's as good as if a 14,400 high road had massive 3 foot rock walls - and it should.
I'm not known to travel in Costa Rica where 2 lane roads routinely fall from earthquake, rain and mud slide or just because they were tired of being on top of the mountain. That sounds bad to me. Wouldn't be prudent.
Now, today, we have solved verse 4. God has variations. And this depends on Human Error.
If Father God were always angry and hostile, we could write Him off. We are, simply, doomed. End of the ride.
Instead, we are dealing with Father God. The Father Jesus gave His life to give this Marvelous Father a new Heaven and a new earth. And Father God is not only going to include you and me in His Kingdom - He is going to sort out the Hitlers and the Mansons to make sure He has done His Fatherly Duty. God is Good. I vote for God. His Marvelous Works inspire us to see the Creator.
And I strongly vote not to be the fire weed or the goat with horns 1.5 minutes.
The Promises of God never cease. He will not leave nor forsake us. And with this Fatherly Goodness - we want to be where God would protect us and cherish us. Steadfast Love.
For the Life You give - we say Thank You. For the Plans You have for us - we say Thank You.
And You lovingly hear all of our cares and concerns to rest with You.
For those we Love. For the people You give us.
And for the Nation.
Trusting and praising You. Lifting up the people around the world who Love You.
Amen in Jesus. Amen.
♔ Lord Jesus Saves! †
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