How are we going to take the every day and make "Glory to God in the Highest and on earth peace among those whom He is Pleased"?
An Exercise of Daily Faith and God in All Events.
How to make sure we see Father God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Jesus saw the willingness of Father God ' every day'. We live more of a social media more apparent life of Frank Zappa and the Mothers, fast-paced find-the-time life. And yet - God is where everything happens that matters.
When you 'Really' look at the events of life - and you put your faith as part of your perpetual conversation with God Who Loves You Most - (we do Faith to drive down the highway) - we can find God is in every particle.
So, we are going to do this Faith where we realize Life goes far beyond and do this to a regular song.
"Smoke on the Water" - Fire in the Sky.
Man, you see - Smoke on the Water is The Holy Spirit in Genesis 1. Fire in the sky - definitely - Acts 2. (What I saw, reading today is this tidbit of Acts 2 - the violent Wind of the Holy Spirit - was in the house.) No matter what we get out of this - we know - we will never forget.
Deep Purple - the Majesty of God. His Son - King of Kings.
The sound is Strong. The Chords Majestic. The Urgency to be part of God. The Almighty God of All.
Salvation is happening in Smoke on the Water. Even the kids are being saved. We will never be in the old place again.
We all came out of the town, like traveling to find Jesus in our personal wilderness. On the Shore of Lake of Galilee.
To make mobile. Records of our lives - recorded monuments of touchstone meaning - a truly meaningful life. The Mission of Loving Christ is to be mobile with God's love into the every day. The Message of the Bible tells us time is fleeting. Day is short. Make the Best of God for God for one another.
Now we are Gambling, here, when we take up the Faith. We assuredly know taking up the Faith of God - is not comfortable. And the song continues - isn't the real gamble - to put the Way, the Truth and the Life on the way back. The back, back non-burner. Wouldn't we really all like to see useless and senseless pain - die. Sadness and sorrow - flee away. Let what is wretched die with an awful sound - acknowledging - the end of what is misery.
(Remembering the beginning of God's Mission is to Pray and Rejoice in One Accord - One Voice. A Joyous Noise Before the Lord.)
Funky Claud was running in and out - yes. Emperor Claudius was indeed running back and forth panicked to find True God of True God. We want the young to have Good, Strong Meaningful Lives and Salvation. The Best Swiss Time of their lives. A New Path to Good Life. Out with the old.
The Old Grand Life - what we saw as the Marble Epics is empty and cold as hell. The Adventure of God - having us roll forth - with Fire. With a real life of Gusto.
No matter what we get out of this - we know - we will never forget.
And The Joy of Faith. Of Hope. And definitely Love.
The flair gun? We might see this:
If we had to take this to the young level - where true faith is - we would find the "Where's Waldo" of Faith. Even the expectancy of the chords.
Oh, and, we surely can take this to the Best Level:
Luke 2:13-15
13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,
14 "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!"
15 When the angels went away from them into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, "Let us go over to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has made known to us."
And the Shepherd side of the Heavenly Host

Psalm 104
3 He lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters; He makes the clouds His chariot; He walks upon the wings of the wind;
4 He makes the winds His messengers, Flaming fire His ministers.

How will we place the Story of Father God and His Son? In every page of the Bible, the Bible supports the Bible. The epic adventure of seeing Jesus Christ's Story as Continual. Like seeing God in "Smoke on the Water".
What is an Angel? Yes, definitely a Messenger of God who will only carry a Jesus centered message the Bible supports.
Psalm 104
3 He lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters; He makes the clouds His chariot; He walks upon the wings of the wind;
4 He makes the winds His messengers, Flaming fire His ministers.
We can see the Heavenly Host.
Winds of the Holy Spirit in Genesis 1.
Fire at the Birth of Jesus Christ, King of Kings, True God of True God.
Wind of the Angelic Messengers.
Acts 2 - Wind and Fire of the Holy Spirit - Messenger of God the Most High. The Holy Spirit announcing Life for those in Christ Jesus believing the Salvation of God and His Promises for you.

And ... we will begin completing the picture...
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom He is pleased
To please the God of All of Creation. All of the Heavenly Host and Glory. The Author of Salvation. God our Father and His Son Jesus Christ - to please them - we have sought God with faith. With belief. With Hope of His Glory. And then - we have pleased Father God to look longingly for His Love.
And now to complete this Word of God - let us go to see life - what He has told us of. To see life from God's viewpoint.
Abraham believed God and was considered righteous. Abraham was called Friend of God.
Our Abba,
We ask Your Blessing of Grace and Peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Blessed is our the God and our Father.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, has presented the Father with a New Heaven and a new earth.
Because we know our Father.
The Father of mercies
and God of all comfort.
This is Our Father and Jesus, who comforts us in all our affliction,
enabling us, strengthening us,
that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction,
with the comfort all the Blessings of Grace and Peace,
with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
In Christ’s one offering of His life, and in His sufferings,
we share abundantly in comfort.
We trust You God in our difficulties and troubles,
We believe in Your Good Will and Good plan - affliction is raised up to
comfort and salvation; and if we are comforted, God will work all things for Good. Trusting in Him.
In Jesus Christ, God, wonderful Jesus, our hope for ourselves and our loved ones is unshaken,
for we know that in life sufferings,
Jesus will find us sharing our comforts.
Father God, we pray impossibly for the Love of God to continually flow in our prayer life.
That when we are silent - Your Wonderful Love is pouring forth without ceasing.
We pray the impossible of more Heaven on earth and for the believers of God and the
ones they pray for - to Know Your Love and see the weary world rejoicing in Christ Jesus.
Our Alleluia Chorus will come from Jesus. Amen.
♔ Lord Jesus Saves! †
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